Title: A Bag of Kisses
Fandoms: Bones/Veronica Mars
Rating: PG
Characters: Booth, Bones, Veronica Mars
Summary: Bones and Booth try to solve the mystery of a bag of kisses.
Note: Written for
xoverland 's "kiss" drabble challenge.
Title: A Kiss to Remember
Fandoms: Buffy/Star Wars
Rating: PG
Characters: Buffy, Obi-Wan
Summary: Three memorable kisses in Buffy and Obi-Wan's relationship.
Note: Written for
xoverland 's "kiss" drabble challenge.
Title: A Kiss and a Thief
Fandoms: Catwoman (comics)/Iron Man
Rating: PG
Characters: Catwoman, Tony Stark
Summary: Selina is not impressed with Stark Industry's security system.
Note: Written for
xoverland 's "kiss" drabble challenge.
All found
here @ my LJ.