Title: Riggins Won't Fear the Reaper
Fandom: Sons of Anarchy/Friday Night Lights
turnonmyheelsRating: R violence, language, sexual situations
Pairing: Gen fic
Beta: Thank you
devilcWords: 5600
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me nor do I profit from playing with them.
Summary: Set sometime in the future, where things are running on a normal course in Charming and Coach Taylor has just finished his first season at East Dillon, Tim Riggins decides a cross country road trip is just what he needs to figure out what he's going to do with the rest of his life, besides drinking beer and having sex. He gets as far as Charming, CA before his truck breaks down.
Note: This was completed before the season 2 finale of SoA so there are *No Spoilers*
Riggins Won't Fear the Reaper ETA Can I get a Sons of Anarchy tag?