After a decade or so in fandom and about half of it in the Whedonverse, I finally took the plunge and wrote my first fic for the
2012 Het Big Bang! It's a crossover/fusion with "The Office," but hopefully you can enjoy it without having seen that series, as it takes place firmly in the "Epitaphs" world.
Momentum BuildingAuthor:
stars_inthe_sky |
stars_inthe_sky |
stars-inthe-skyRating: T
Length: 26K words
Pairing(s)/Characters: Pam/Jim, Sierra/Victor, Kilo, Adelle, Yankee, Romeo, Mag, Zone, various OCs
Summary: "I didn’t exist for seven years, and when I woke up, the world had ended. And then…I didn’t want to be scared anymore." Post-"Casino Night," Pam gets recruited by the Dollhouse. Long after the Call, India runs into an old friend. (The Office/Dollhouse crossover)
Momentum Building (cross-posted in a few places)