Volume 004, Issue 158

Jun 16, 2009 17:33

Volume 004, Issue 158
This issue covers June 15th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

Media sn_jo made Broken Hearts (video, Supernatural/Buffy)

lightthesparks  made Supernatural/Buffy Wallpapers and Picspam
karmariela  made Dean/Brooke Wallpaper and Icons

davincis_girl  made Young Dean/Alec Art
sadiane  made art for SnaG-22 (SG-1/SPN)

numb3rs100  has a Crossover Challenge

xoxobigbang  : Gossip Girl Big Bang
svcross_bigbang  : Smallville Big Bang

Multi Fandom
roguecatwoman  wrote Bruce Wayne's Excellent Adventure; PG-13, DC Comics/Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles/Rush Hour/The Matrix : gen

Battlestar Galacitca
bakatulip  wrote Scars That Words Have Carved 1/9; PG-13, BtVS/Battlestar Galactica : Lee/Kara, Faith/Kat, Faith/Kara

jlrpuck  wrote The Substance of Things Hoped For 15/29; M, Blackpool/Doctor Who : Peter/Rose

Blake 7
kernezelda  wrote Out of the Fire; PG, Blake 7/Farscape : gen

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
bakatulip  wrote Together Again For The First Time Part 3 and 4; PG-15, BtVS/Doctor Who : gen
cuspofqueens  wrote Scars That Words Have Carved 1/9; PG-13, BtVS/Battlestar Galactica : Lee/Kara, Faith/Kat, Faith/Kara

Criminal Minds
cuspofqueens  wrote Persuasian Techniques; NR, CSI: NY/Criminal Minds : Emily/Stella

nike_ravus  wrote Fake Empires Part 3; PG-13, Criminal Minds/X-Men : Emily/Emma

CSI: New York
mithen  wrote Persuasian Techniques; NR, CSI: NY/Criminal Minds : Emily/Stella

DC Comics
scourgeofeurope  wrote Onisius of Gotham; PG, DC Comics/Pretender : gen

Dark Angel
booster17  wrote The Wellspring 11/?; R, Dark Angel/Supernatural : gen

Doctor Who
jlrpuck  wrote Together Again For The First Time Part 3 and 4; PG-15, BtVS/Doctor Who : gen
lostwolfchats  wrote The Substance of Things Hoped For 15/29; M, Blackpool/Doctor Who : Peter/Rose
kernezelda  wrote A Whimsical Adventure; NR, Doctor Who/Image In The Mirror : gen

Facts of Life
scubysnak  wrote Not Her Detective Part 2; NR, Supernatural/Facts of Life : Jo/Alex

elliejane  wrote Out of the Fire; PG, Blake 7/Farscape : gen
lostwolfchats  wrote Riding Rollar Coasters For A Living;  G, Farscape/Torchwood : gen

Image In The Mirror
mithen  wrote A Whimsical Adventure; NR, Doctor Who/Image In The Mirror : gen


seahorse_4215  wrote Vessels 1/7; NR, Supernatural/NCIS : gen

One Tree Hill

xmy_honourx  wrote Damaged Part 3; M, One Tree Hill/Supernatural : gen

slybrarian  wrote Onisius of Gotham; PG, DC Comics/Pretender : gen

topgeargirl2  wrote SnaG-22; R, Supernatural/SG-1 : Dean/Freya, Lorne/Parrish, Sheppard/Mitchell

scourgeofeurope  wrote For The Matter of Security Part 3; NC-17, Torchwood/Spooks : gen

scubysnak  wrote The Wellspring 11/?; R, Dark Angel/Supernatural : gen
scubysnak  wrote Not Her Detective Part 2; NR, Supernatural/Facts of Life : Jo/Alex

seahorse_4215  wrote Vessels 1/7; NR, Supernatural/NCIS : gen

xmy_honourx  wrote Damaged Part 3; M, One Tree Hill/Supernatural : gen
slybrarian  wrote SnaG-22; R, Supernatural/SG-1 : Dean/Freya, Lorne/Parrish, Sheppard/Mitchell

elliejane  wrote Riding Rollar Coasters For A Living;  G, Farscape/Torchwood : gen
topgeargirl2  wrote For The Matter of Security Part 3; NC-17, Torchwood/Spooks : gen


nike_ravus  wrote Fake Empires Part 3; PG-13, Criminal Minds/X-Men : Emily/Emma

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.


the pretender, buffy, movie (gen), supernatural, criminal minds, x-men, blake's 7, stargate: sg-1, blackpool, torchwood, battlestar galactica, dc comics, spooks, one tree hill, the matrix, terminator (tv)

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