Volume 004, Issue 076

Mar 22, 2009 16:47

Volume 004, Issue 076
This issue covers March 21 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


egsparks posted a songvid: SPN/BtVS: Dean/Cordelia


diversquest posted manips: SV/SPN: Chloe/Dean.

diversquest posted manips: SV/SPN: Chloe/Dean, Chloe & Sam.

Current Challenges:

sccxovers has a Metal Mix challenge reminder.

Other Announcements:

multific has posted finish-a-thon voting. (To help authors decide which fic to work on.)



Multi-Fandom: (four or more, listed once)
strangevisitor7 wrote By Any Other Name 6/6: PG13, SPN/SV/Firefly/Highlander: Dean/Chloe, Richie/River

Buffy: the Vampire Slayer:
_fullofgrace wrote Apocalypse Please: PG13, BtVS/SPN: Dean/Anya, Sam/Buffy

vampiegirl wrote Nomen, 29/?: NR, SG-1/Buffy

magicom wrote So Buffy Met Jack, 10/?: FR15, BtVS/TW: Buffy, Jack

The Devil Wears Prada:
akasarahsmom wrote Dectective Jo, Part 1 & Part 2: PG13, Facts of Life/DWP: Blair/Jo, Andy/Miranda

Doctor Who:
simons_flower wrote Out of Time: R, DW/HP: 12/Harry/Jack, Harry/Ron/Hermione, 9/Rose/Jack

The Facts of Life:
akasarahsmom wrote Dectective Jo, Part 1 & Part 2: PG13, Facts of Life/DWP: Blair/Jo, Andy/Miranda

ana_khouri wrote Periodic Challenge, Parts 22-30: G-NC17, Fringe/X-Files: Dunham/Scully

Harry Potter:
vipersweb wrote Schism, 2/2: M, HP/TW: Ianto

simons_flower wrote Out of Time: R, DW/HP: 12/Harry/Jack, Harry/Ron/Hermione, 9/Rose/Jack

House, M.D.:
ayalanetzer wrote Meet the Duck: R, House/TW: Jack/Ianto, Wilson/Duck, House/Wilson

shambolicasfuck wrote Nicknames: PG13, House/TW: House/Wilson, Jack/Ianto

One Tree Hill:
xmy_honourx wrote Fix You, Ch 7: M, SPN/OTH: Dean/Brooke

Stargate: SG-1:
redrikki wrote Anise Rides Again, 3/?: PG, SPN/SG-1: Anise/Dean Winchester

vampiegirl wrote Nomen, 29/?: NR, SG-1/Buffy

redrikki wrote Anise Rides Again, 3/?: PG, SPN/SG-1: Anise/Dean Winchester

_fullofgrace wrote Apocalypse Please: PG13, BtVS/SPN: Dean/Anya, Sam/Buffy

xmy_honourx wrote Fix You, Ch 7: M, SPN/OTH: Dean/Brooke

vipersweb wrote Schism, 2/2: M, HP/TW: Ianto

magicom wrote So Buffy Met Jack, 10/?: FR15, BtVS/TW: Buffy, Jack

ayalanetzer wrote Meet the Duck: R, House/TW: Jack/Ianto, Wilson/Duck, House/Wilson

shambolicasfuck wrote Nicknames: PG13, House/TW: House/Wilson, Jack/Ianto

The X-Files:
ana_khouri wrote Periodic Challenge, Parts 22-30: G-NC17, Fringe/X-Files: Dunham/Scully

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.


doctor who, devil wears prada, harry potter, smallville, highlander, one tree hill, supernatural, house m.d., fringe, x-files, stargate: sg-1, facts of life, firefly, torchwood

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