Volume 004, Issue 067

Mar 09, 2009 13:50

Volume 004, Issue 067
This issue covers March 8th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!



Current Challenges :
jelsemium posted a Threesomes/Moresomes challenge in numb3rs_xovers. Find details here; Numb3rs/Various:

Other Announcements :


Multifandom Drabbles : Listed once
llassah wrote Twofer; PG13, Twitch City,/Battlestar Galactica/Due South/Hard Core Logo,/Last Night

cuzimastripper wrote City of Thieves, Link to Chapters 8-14 ; NC17, Angel/ Leverage: Various Pairings

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
shaych_03 wrote Desire: Black on Black ; NR, BtVS/Dracula: Liz Blaine/Kate Lockley

xfirefly9x wrote Die For You; PG, BtVS/Twilight: Edward/Dawn
bassair wrote Everyone Deserves a Chance to Fly (10/?), R, Torchwood/BtVS: Spike/Buffy, Willow/Tosh, Xander/Anya

lil_jei wrote A knightly matter; PG13, NCIS/ CSI:NY; Mac/Tony

shaych_03 wrote Desire: Black on Black ; NR, BtVS/Dracula: Liz Blaine/Kate Lockley

Due South
etcetera_cat wrote Eats; G, Due South/Thursday Next: Gen

etcetera_cat wrote Shoots; G, Due South/The Middleman: Gen

etcetera_cat wrote Leaves; G, Due South/Good Omens: Gen

inspectorboxer wrote No Rest For the Wicked (3/?), PG, Terminator:TSCC/Firefly: River/Sarah

Good Omens
etcetera_cat wrote Leaves; G, Due South/Good Omens: Gen

aishuu wrote A Hell of a Butler; NR, Kuroshitsuji/Good Omens: Gen

Harry Potter
auselysium wrote And So It Begins, (7/?) , NC17, QaF/Harry Potter: Brian Kinney/Draco Malfoy

vodooman wrote Mocking words, broken man (2/?), PG13, Heroes/Smallville: Chloe/Peter

vodooman wrote Perfect Companions , PG, Heroes/Moonlight: Elle/Josef

High School Musical
purelyfic wrote A Potentially dangerous Situation, Part 34/35, NC17, SPN/High School Musical: Sam/Ryan

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
sadera992 wrote A Couple of Hitchers, R, Torchwood/HGTTG: John Hart/Ford Prefect

aishuu wrote A Hell of a Butler; NR, Kuroshitsuji/Good Omens: Gen

cuzimastripper wrote City of Thieves, Links to Chapter 8-14 ; NC17, Angel/ Leverage: Various Pairings

atraphoenix wrote By Candlelight ; NR, Merlin/Robin Hood: Marian/Gwen

vodooman wrote Perfect Companions , PG, Heroes/Moonlight: Elle/Josef

lil_jei wrote A knightly matter; PG13, NCIS/ CSI:NY; Mac/Tony

Queer As Folk
auselysium wrote And So It Begins, (7/?) , NC17, QaF/Harry Potter: Brian Kinney/Draco Malfoy

Robin Hood
atraphoenix wrote By Candlelight ; NR, Merlin/Robin Hood: Marian/Gwen

vodooman wrote Mocking words, broken man (2/?), PG13, Heroes/Smallville: Chloe/Peter

purelyfic wrote A Potentially dangerous Situation, Part 34/35, NC17, SPN/High School Musical: Sam/Ryan

inspectorboxer wrote No Rest For the Wicked (3/?), PG, Terminator:TSCC/Firefly: River/Sarah

The Middleman
etcetera_cat wrote Shoots; G, Due South/The Middleman: Gen

Thursday Next
etcetera_cat wrote Eats; G, Due South/Thursday Next: Gen

sadera992 wrote A Couple of Hitchers, R, Torchwood/HGTTG: John Hart/Ford Prefect

bassair wrote Everyone Deserves a Chance to Fly (10/?), R, Torchwood/BtVS: Spike/Buffy, Willow/Tosh, Xander/Anya

xfirefly9x wrote Die For You; PG, BtVS/Twilight: Edward/Dawn

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your mod,

twilight, moonlight, buffy, merlin, due south, supernatural, dracula, torchwood, high school musical, hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, the middleman, good omens, smallville, harry potter, csi: ny, robin hood, leverage, heroes, queer as folk, terminator (tv), ncis, firefly, thursday next, angel

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