Volume 004, Issue 050

Feb 20, 2009 22:56

This issue covers February 19th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

ladymanson posted Dean/Faith manips

Angel: The Series:
tigriswolf wrote The Brittle Strength of Bones, PG, Leverage/Angel

andsundry wrote 5 Ways, PG-13, Batman/Iron Man

Battlestar Galactica:

jlrpuck wrote A Tinn Thing, G, Doctor Who/Blackpool: Peter Carlisle/Rose Tyler

The Big Bang Theory
rosie1234 wrote Can I Kill Him, Pretty Please, PG-13, Supernatural/Big Bang: Sheldon/Penny/Dean

Boondock Saints
vee017 wrote And All that's Best of Dark and Bright, NC-17, Supernatural/Boondock Saints, Sam/Murphy, Sam/Dean, Connor/Murphy

Buffy:The Vampire Slayer
virtualpersonal and dean_the_hunter wrote All I Want for Christmas is You, Chapter Four, NC-17, BtVS/Supernatural: Buffy/Dean
kaylashay81 wrote Ghostly Wake-Up Call, PG-13, BtVS/NCIS
speakr2customrs wrote Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose, PG-13, BtVS/Futurama
rivulet027 wrote Black Roses and Daggers, PG-13, BtVS/NCIS: Abby/Xander
avamclean wrote Transcedent, PG-13, Supernatural/BtVS

Doctor Who
jlrpuck wrote A Tinn Thing, G, Doctor Who/Blackpool: Peter Carlisle/Rose Tyler
donutsweeper wrote Super Grover to the Rescue, G, Doctor Who/Sesame Street

ana_khouri wrote Periodic Challenge 1-9, PG-13, Fringe/X-files: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully

speakr2customrs wrote Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose, PG-13, BtVS/Futurama

Harry Potter
auselysium wrote And So it Begins, NC-17, Queer as Folk/Harry Potter: Draco/Brian

andsundry wrote 5 Ways, PG-13, Batman/Iron Man

tigriswolf wrote The Brittle Strength of Bones, PG, Leverage/Angel

kaylashay81 wrote Ghostly Wake-Up Call, PG-13, BtVS/NCIS
rivulet027 wrote Black Roses and Daggers, PG-13, BtVS/NCIS: Abby/Xander

Queer as Folk
auselysium wrote And So it Begins, NC-17, Queer as Folk/Harry Potter: Draco/Brian

Robin Hood
darkentwisted wrote Time's Arrow, 23/27, PG, Robin Hood/Torchwood: Jack/Much, Robin/Guy

Sesame Street
donutsweeper wrote Super Grover to the Rescue, G, Doctor Who/Sesame Street

rosie1234 wrote Can I Kill Him, Pretty Please, PG-13, Supernatural/Big Bang: Sheldon/Penny/Dean
virtualpersonal and dean_the_hunter wrote All I Want for Christmas is You, Chapter Four, NC-17, BtVS/Supernatural: Buffy/Dean
vee017 wrote And All that's Best of Dark and Bright, NC-17, Supernatural/Boondock Saints, Sam/Murphy, Sam/Dean, Connor/Murphy
avamclean wrote Transcedent, PG-13, Supernatural/BtVS

darkentwisted wrote Time's Arrow, 23/27, PG, Robin Hood/Torchwood: Jack/Much, Robin/Guy

ana_khouri wrote Periodic Challenge 1-9, PG-13, Fringe/X-files: Olivia Dunham/Dana Scully

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

futurama, batman, buffy, supernatural, iron man, blackpool, torchwood, sesame street, doctor who, big bang theory, boondock saints, harry potter, leverage, robin hood, fringe, x-files, ncis, queer as folk, angel

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