Volume 004, Issue 017

Jan 18, 2009 15:14

Volume 004, Issue 017
This issue covers Jan 17 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


kateorman recs a video (DW/BSG) by 45eugenia.


urban_stoop posted quote icons: TWW/HP: Gryffindor.

chiccq posted icons: SPN/SV: Sam/Chloe, Dean/Chloe.

Other Announcements:

lil_jei posted a rec: NCIS/SG-1

lil_jei posted a rec: NCIS/L&O:SVU

sg_prompts posted an announcement of a SGA crossover rec fest.



Angel: the Series:
azure_chaos wrote Shattered, Ch 4: 14, NCIS/BtVS/AtS: Gibbs/DiNozzo, Angel/Spike

vikingprincess wrote Strangers: Teen, AtS/X-Men: Spike/Rogue

pervyficgirl wrote Heroes and Fools: PG13, Elektra/Batman: Dick/Elektra, Tim, Jason

Buffy: the Vampire Slayer:
pen37 wrote Getting Up, 12/12: PG13, SPN/SV/BtVS: Dean/Chloe

vampiegirl wrote Nomen, 28/?: PG13, SG-1/BtVS

azure_chaos wrote Shattered, Ch 4: 14, NCIS/BtVS/AtS: Gibbs/DiNozzo, Angel/Spike

clevermonikerr wrote Gifthorse, 1/?: PG13, VM/BtVS: Mac, Anya

misstitania wrote If I Fall: PG13, DW/BtVS: Master/Xander, Master/Doctor

Calvin & Hobbes:
astrogirl2 wrote Upholding the Laws of Time: G, DW/Calvin & Hobbes: Doctor, Donna

Doctor Who:
misstitania wrote If I Fall: PG13, DW/BtVS: Master/Xander, Master/Doctor

astrogirl2 wrote Upholding the Laws of Time: G, DW/Calvin & Hobbes: Doctor, Donna

vipersweb wrote Worthy of Your Soul: PG, DW/HL: Nine, Methos

The Dresden Files (tv):
joonscribble wrote Smoke and Mirrors, 1/?: R, TW/Dresden Files: Jack/Ianto

pervyficgirl wrote Heroes and Fools: PG13, Elektra/Batman: Dick/Elektra, Tim, Jason

dhfreak wrote Different Times, 2/12: PG, Firefly/TSCC

fonapola wrote Universal Dumping Ground: PG13, SPN/SV/HL: OCs

idontlikegravy wrote A Day in the Death of Tony DiNardo: NR, NCIS/HL: Richie, Duckie, Abby

vipersweb wrote Worthy of Your Soul: PG, DW/HL: Nine, Methos

azure_chaos wrote Shattered, Ch 4: 14, NCIS/BtVS/AtS: Gibbs/DiNozzo, Angel/Spike

idontlikegravy wrote A Day in the Death of Tony DiNardo: NR, NCIS/HL: Richie, Duckie, Abby

Pushing Daisies:
toldthestars wrote Missing: R, PD/SPN: Dean/Ned

pen37 wrote Getting Up, 12/12: PG13, SPN/SV/BtVS: Dean/Chloe

sarcastic_fina wrote Stuck with You, 4/5: NC17, SPN/SV: Dean/Chloe

fonapola wrote Universal Dumping Ground: PG13, SPN/SV/HL: OCs

Stargate: SG-1:
dellavie wrote The Stages of Grief, 7/?: K, SG-1/SPN

vampiegirl wrote Nomen, 28/?: PG13, SG-1/BtVS

toldthestars wrote Missing: R, PD/SPN: Dean/Ned

pen37 wrote Getting Up, 12/12: PG13, SPN/SV/BtVS: Dean/Chloe

sarcastic_fina wrote Stuck with You, 4/5: NC17, SPN/SV: Dean/Chloe

dellavie wrote The Stages of Grief, 7/?: K, SG-1/SPN

fonapola wrote Universal Dumping Ground: PG13, SPN/SV/HL: OCs

Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles:
dhfreak wrote Different Times, 2/12: PG, Firefly/TSCC

joonscribble wrote Smoke and Mirrors, 1/?: R, TW/Dresden Files: Jack/Ianto

Veronica Mars:
clevermonikerr wrote Gifthorse, 1/?: PG13, VM/BtVS: Mac, Anya

X-Men 616:
vikingprincess wrote Strangers: Teen, AtS/X-Men: Spike/Rogue

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~ entwashian

marvel comics, batman, buffy, supernatural, x-men, stargate: sg-1, dresden files, doctor who, pushing daisies, calvin & hobbes, smallville, highlander, veronica mars, ncis, terminator (tv), firefly, angel

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