Volume 012, Issue 025

Mar 04, 2017 22:47

This issue covers March 1-3 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!


Multifandom (3 or more, listed only once)

milady_dragon wrote The Stolen Earth Incident 37/? and 38/? | PG-13 | Doctor Who/Torchwood/MCU | Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato.Kathy Swanson, et al.


CobaltStargazer wrote The Hybrid Theory | M | Angel/Ash vs. Evil Dead | Connor/Ruby Knowby


swan_secrets wrote Curious | NC-17 | Arrow/The Flash | Carrie/Lisa

Ash vs Evil Dead

CobaltStargazer wrote The Hybrid Theory | M | Angel/Ash vs. Evil Dead | Connor/Ruby Knowby


madimpossibledreamer wrote The Solution is Actually Crystalline Solid | G | Buffy/Iron Man| Gen

madimpossibledreamer wrote Chrysalis | G | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen

madimpossibledreamer wrote A Death in the Family | G | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen

madimpossibledreamer wrote Ashes on the Wind | G | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen

madimpossibledreamer wrote Kyrie Eleison | G | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen

madimpossibledreamer wrote At Leats There is Symmetry | G | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen
PeachesAndStakes wrote Owl Work and No Play | NR | Buffy/Labyrinth | Buffy/Jareth Giles


scandalbaby wrote A Series of Thoughts | G | Elementary/Sherlock | Sally Donovan/Joan Watson
scandalbaby wrote A Fated Meeting | G | Elementary/Sherlock | Sally Donovan/Joan Watson


4kennedy wrote Pet Names | PG-13 | Ghostbusters/Supergirl | Alex/Maggie
crookedspoon wrote Every Breath I'm Deeper Into You | T | Ghostbusters 2016/Suicide Squad | Jillian Holtzmann/Harleen Quinzel

Iron Man

madimpossibledreamer wrote The Solution is Actually Crystalline Solid | G | Buffy/Iron Man| Gen

madimpossibledreamer wrote Chrysalis | G | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen

madimpossibledreamer wrote A Death in the Family | G | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen

madimpossibledreamer wrote Ashes on the Wind | G | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen

madimpossibledreamer wrote Kyrie Eleison | G | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen

madimpossibledreamer wrote At Leats There is Symmetry | G | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen


PeachesAndStakes wrote Owl Work and No Play | NR | Buffy/Labyrinth | Buffy/Jareth Giles


crookedspoon wrote magic tricks are good enough for now G | MCU/Suicide Squad | Wanda Maximoff/Harleen Quinzel


scandalbaby wrote A Series of Thoughts | G | Elementary/Sherlock | Sally Donovan/Joan Watson
scandalbaby wrote A Fated Meeting | G | Elementary/Sherlock | Sally Donovan/Joan Watson

Suicide Squad

crookedspoon wrote Every Breath I'm Deeper Into You | T | Ghostbusters 2016/Suicide Squad | Jillian Holtzmann/Harleen Quinzel
crookedspoon wrote Every Breath I'm Deeper Into You | T | Ghostbusters 2016/Suicide Squad | Jillian Holtzmann/Harleen Quinzel


4kennedy wrote Pet Names | PG-13 | Ghostbusters/Supergirl | Alex/Maggie

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

ghostbusters, supergirl, the flash, doctor who, elementary, buffy, suicide squad, iron man, sherlock, marvel movies, arrow, torchwood, labyrinth, tv (gen), angel

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