Volume 011, issue 122

Oct 29, 2016 20:48

This issue covers Oct 25-28 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!


Arthurian Mythology

scandalbaby wrote Rare Gifts 2/? | G | Arthurian Mythology/Sherlock | Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper


Scribe32oz wrote The Nameless One 6/? | M | Buffy/Supernatural | Buffy/Dean
MaryRosalea wrote You're Sure I'm Real? 6/? | T | Buffy/Supernatural | Spike/Buffy, Castiel/Dean
Authoressinhiding wrote Synchronicity 103/? | T | Buffy/Supernatural | Faith/Dean
steeleye wrote Doing Time 24/24 | T | Buffy/Porridge | Gen
Alraune1928 wrote Slayers and Walkers 4/? | M | Buffy/The Walking Dead | Spike/Buffy, Faith/Robin, Xander/Anya, Daryl/Carol
jedibuttercup wrote Teenage Trojan Horse of Chaos | T | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen

Criminal Minds

jacie3 wrote Broken | NC-17 | NCIS/Criminal Minds | Gibbs/DiNozzo
rivermoon70 wrote Anatomy of Love | M | Criminal Minds/NCIS | Jimmy Palmer/Spencer Reid, Jethro Gibbs/Aaron Hotchner

Doctor Who

beer_good wrote In Which Pooh Discovers A Blue Box | T | Doctor Who/Winnie the Pooh | Gen

Iron Man

jedibuttercup wrote Teenage Trojan Horse of Chaos | T | Buffy/Iron Man | Gen


jacie3 wrote Broken | NC-17 | NCIS/Criminal Minds | Gibbs/DiNozzo
rivermoon70 wrote Anatomy of Love | M | Criminal Minds/NCIS | Jimmy Palmer/Spencer Reid, Jethro Gibbs/Aaron Hotchner


steeleye wrote Doing Time 24/24 | T | Buffy/Porridge | Gen


scandalbaby wrote Rare Gifts 2/? | G | Arthurian Mythology/Sherlock | Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper


Scribe32oz wrote The Nameless One 6/? | M | Buffy/Supernatural | Buffy/Dean
MaryRosalea wrote You're Sure I'm Real? 6/? | T | Buffy/Supernatural | Spike/Buffy, Castiel/Dean
Authoressinhiding wrote Synchronicity 103/? | T | Buffy/Supernatural | Faith/Dean

The Walking Dead

Alraune1928 wrote Slayers and Walkers 4/? | M | Buffy/The Walking Dead | Spike/Buffy, Faith/Robin, Xander/Anya, Daryl/Carol

Winnie the Pooh

beer_good wrote In Which Pooh Discovers A Blue Box | T | Doctor Who/Winnie the Pooh | Gen

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

winnie the pooh, doctor who, walking dead, buffy, supernatural, arthurian legend, iron man, criminal minds, sherlock, ncis, tv (gen)

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