Volume 011, Issue 087

Jul 30, 2016 21:16

This issue covers July 26-29 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!


mangobango2 made Get Burned | PG13 | MCU/Shadowhunters | Steve/Tony, Magnus/Alec
TheWitchAndTheCrow made The Part That's Holding On | NR | Buffy/The Crow | Willow/Eric




Current Challenges:


Other Announcements



Multifandom (3 or more, listed only once)

mabus101 wrote Almighty Engine, Infernal Thunder 26/26 | M | Buffy/Angel/Exalted | Gen
kwritten wrote So This is Now 1-4/? | G | Buffy/Harry Potter/The 100 | Gen
milady_dragon wrote Lost and Found 5/? | PG-13 | Torchwood/Merlin/MCU | Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Phil Coulson/Clint Barton, et al.


Fmfan1980 wrote Tara Sheppard 51-52/? | T | Buffy/SGA | Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg
CamilleZayra wrote Bloodlines 1-4/? | M | Buffy/Star Wars | Qui-Gon Jinn/OFC, Buffy/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Poe Dameron/Rey, Anaking Skywalker/Padme Amidala

Cabin Pressure

scandalbaby wrote The Interrogation | G | Sherlock/Cabin Pressure | Martin Crieff/Molly Hooper

Harry Potter

dreamwind83 wrote I Open At The Close 3/? | PG-13 | Harry Potter/Temeraire | Harry Potter/William Laurence, Severus Snape/Tenzing Tharkay


caffienekitty wrote Standing By, Innocently | PG13 | Merlin/Sherlock BBC | Gen


caffienekitty wrote Standing By, Innocently | PG13 | Merlin/Sherlock BBC | Gen
scandalbaby wrote The Sweetest of Treats | G | Sherlock/ST:AOS | Molly Hooper/Khan Noonien Singh
scandalbaby wrote The Interrogation | G | Sherlock/Cabin Pressure | Martin Crieff/Molly Hooper
scandalbaby wrote Lives Flipped Upside Down | G | Sherlock/St Trinian's | Annabelle Fritton/Kelly Jones, Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper

St Trinian's

scandalbaby wrote Lives Flipped Upside Down | G | Sherlock/St Trinian's | Annabelle Fritton/Kelly Jones, Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper

Star Trek

scandalbaby wrote The Sweetest of Treats | G | Sherlock/ST:AOS | Molly Hooper/Khan Noonien Singh

Star Wars

CamilleZayra wrote Bloodlines 1-4/? | M | Buffy/Star Wars | Qui-Gon Jinn/OFC, Buffy/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Poe Dameron/Rey, Anaking Skywalker/Padme Amidala


Fmfan1980 wrote Tara Sheppard 51-52/? | T | Buffy/SGA | Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg


deans_arie and deans_fetish wrote Hunter's Heart Chronicles Chapter 14 Part 4/? | NC-17 | Supernatural/Underworld | Dean Winchester/Arie Tamarein


dreamwind83 wrote I Open At The Close 3/? | PG-13 | Harry Potter/Temeraire | Harry Potter/William Laurence, Severus Snape/Tenzing Tharkay


deans_arie and deans_fetish wrote Hunter's Heart Chronicles Chapter 14 Part 4/? | NC-17 | Supernatural/Underworld | Dean Winchester/Arie Tamarein

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

buffy, merlin, supernatural, st. trinian's, star trek: reboot, torchwood, game (gen), star wars, shadowhunters, cabin pressure, stargate: atlantis, harry potter, temeraire, the crow, underworld, sherlock, marvel movies, tv (gen), angel

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