This issue covers September 2-5 in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!
shybob wrote
Five conversations at the Avengers Tower... and one that didn't happen | T | Avengers/Buffy | Gen
beri_fanfic wrote
Where in the World Was Clint Barton - Option 9 | PG-13 | Avengers/Buffy | Gen
beri_fanfic wrote
A Night at the Opera | PG-13 | Batman/Buffy | Bruce/Buffy
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
Energybeing wrote
The Call of the Void 1-2/16 | T | Buffy/Doctor Who | Gen
astracindel wrote
Oh, Brother! 9/? | M | Buffy/The Walking Dead | Xander Harris/Daryl Dixon
starfox5 wrote
Richard Castle, Watcher: New York, May 2009 - Part 2 | FR18 | Buffy/Castle | Gen
AWanderingSoul wrote
New Slayer in Training | NR | Buffy/The Hunger Games | Gen
starfox5 wrote
Richard Castle, Watcher: New York, May 2009 - Part 1 | FR18 | Buffy/Castle | Gen
Pan wrote
I don't like the way the song goes 1/2 | T | Buffy/Teen Wolf | Gen
mmooch wrote
Blackmail Marriage | FR13 | Buffy/Harry Potter | Buffy/Dumbledore
shaladakiri wrote
Sandpanther | FR13 | Buffy/Star Wars | Gen
indraleigh wrote
Ever so Kind | FR13 | Buffy/Due South | Gen
shybob wrote
Five conversations at the Avengers Tower... and one that didn't happen | T | Avengers/Buffy | Gen
beri_fanfic wrote
Where in the World Was Clint Barton - Option 9 | PG-13 | Avengers/Buffy | Gen
beri_fanfic wrote
A Night at the Opera | PG-13 | Batman/Buffy | Bruce/Buffy
starfox5 wrote
Richard Castle, Watcher: New York, May 2009 - Part 2 | FR18 | Buffy/Castle | Gen
starfox5 wrote
Richard Castle, Watcher: New York, May 2009 - Part 1 | FR18 | Buffy/Castle | Gen
Doctor Who
Energybeing wrote
The Call of the Void 1-2/16 | T | Buffy/Doctor Who | Gen
scandalbaby wrote
More Than Fame and Fortune | G | Doctor Who/Sherlock (BBC) | Sherlock Holmes/Amy Pond
Due South
indraleigh wrote
Ever so Kind | FR13 | Buffy/Due South | Gen
Harry Potter
mmooch wrote
Blackmail Marriage | FR13 | Buffy/Harry Potter | Buffy/Dumbledore
The Hunger Games
AWanderingSoul wrote
New Slayer in Training | NR | Buffy/The Hunger Games | Gen
scandalbaby wrote
More Than Fame and Fortune | G | Doctor Who/Sherlock (BBC) | Sherlock Holmes/Amy Pond
Star Wars
shaladakiri wrote
Sandpanther | FR13 | Buffy/Star Wars | Gen
Teen Wolf
Pan wrote
I don't like the way the song goes 1/2 | T | Buffy/Teen Wolf | Gen
The Walking Dead
astracindel wrote
Oh, Brother! 9/? | M | Buffy/The Walking Dead | Xander Harris/Daryl Dixon
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
~Your editor,