This issue covers Mar 11 in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!
katleept wrote
Dancing Together | R | Excalibur/X-Men | Rachel Summers/Kitty Pryde
Harry Potter
Nemainofthewater wrote
Finding Family | PG13 | Harry Potter/Thor | Gen
auselysium wrote
And So it Begins | NC17 | Harry Potter/Queer as Folk | Brian Kinney/Draco Malfoy
His Dark Materials
SailorPtah wrote
A Blinking Light Up On The Clouded Mountain | PG13 | His Dark Materials/Welcome to Night Vale | Carlos/Cecil
Queer as Folk
auselysium wrote
And So it Begins | NC17 | Harry Potter/Queer as Folk | Brian Kinney/Draco Malfoy
Nemainofthewater wrote
Finding Family | PG13 | Harry Potter/Thor | Gen
Welcome to Night Vale
SailorPtah wrote
A Blinking Light Up On The Clouded Mountain | PG13 | His Dark Materials/Welcome to Night Vale | Carlos/Cecil
katleept wrote
Dancing Together | R | Excalibur/X-Men | Rachel Summers/Kitty Pryde
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
~Your editor,