Volume 003, Issues 139 and 146

Nov 08, 2008 10:42

Volume 003, Issue 139 and 146
This issue covers October 28 and November 4 in crossover fandom. Sorry that it's so late, but I completely forgot two weeks ago and have been a little busy this week, what with everything that's going on. My apologies!

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


wizefics made Ten Crossover Recs; Various Fandoms

bokormen89 is searching for BSG/Stargate crossovers


mute90 made Broken a SPN/HP Manip

kijikun made a fanmix: Broken Things; DC Comics/Watchmen: Nite Ow II/Rorschach


TTH Drabbles (Listed Only Once)

idontlikegravy wrote Any Other Sunday; PG; BtVS/Shaun of the Dead/The Blob


silver-x-cross wrote Looking for fun; R; Heroes/Angel: Jessica/Spike

bassair wrote Come What May - Part B (16/16); R; Torchwood/Buffy/Angel: Jack/Ianto, Spike/Buffy, Willow/Tosh, Xander/Anya

Blake’s 7

evilawyer-fic wrote Building Alliances; PG; Doctor Who/ Blake's 7

slayergirlkal wrote It's Her; PG; Bones/X-Files: Brennan/Scully

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

claireandelle1 wrote Vampire's Kiss; PG-13; Heroes/Buffy: Elle/Claire

Dr. Horrible

iamascavanger wrote Undercover; NC-17; Heroes/Dr. Horrible: Adam/Billy

Dr. Who

evilawyer-fic wrote Building Alliances; PG; Doctor Who/ Blake's 7

Due South

tygermama wrote Never Could Stand The Cold (1-5/?); PG; Magnificent 7/due South

Harry Potter

rockeandroll wrote The Last Enemy, Chapter 2; Unrated; Torchwood/Harry Potter


silver-x-cross wrote Looking for fun; R; Heroes/Angel: Jessica/Spike

iamascavanger wrote Undercover; NC-17; Heroes/Dr. Horrible: Adam/Billy

i_want_2 wrote Sweet Corruption; Adult; Heroes/Supernatural: Sylar/Dean

claireandelle1 wrote Vampire's Kiss; PG-13; Heroes/Buffy: Elle/Claire

Iron Man

azrielle_jones wrote Polarity ; PG; Smallville/Iron Man: Clark/Lex

The Magnificent 7

tygermama wrote Never Could Stand The Cold (1-5/?); PG; Magnificent 7/due South


xanthestories wrote Hiding in Plain Sight: Part One ; NC17; SGA/NCIS: Gibbs/DiNozzo, John/Rodney, Carson/Caldwell, Teyla/Ronon, Ziva/McGee

Pirates of the Carribbean

cersia5 wrote Completely Inconspicuous; G; PoTC/Torchwood


kristen-mara wrote Undercover; Gen; Supernatural/Primeval

fififolle wrote All and Sundry; MA; Primeval/SGA: Connor/Lester/Chuck/Lorne


azrielle_jones wrote Polarity ; PG; Smallville/Iron Man: Clark/Lex

fonapola wrote Crossing Kansas: Building Up; Unrated; Smallville/Supernatural


laurab1 wrote If This Book Should Ever Roam ; PG; Torchwood/Spooks


fififolle wrote All and Sundry; MA; Primeval/SGA: Connor/Lester/Chuck/Lorne

xanthestories wrote Hiding in Plain Sight: Part One ; NC17; SGA/NCIS: Gibbs/DiNozzo, John/Rodney, Carson/Caldwell, Teyla/Ronon, Ziva/McGee


kristen-mara wrote Undercover; Gen; Supernatural/Primeval

i_want_2 wrote Sweet Corruption; Adult; Heroes/Supernatural: Sylar/Dean

fonapola wrote Crossing Kansas: Building Up; Unrated; Smallville/Supernatural


rockeandroll wrote The Last Enemy, Chapter 2; Unrated; Torchwood/Harry Potter

cersia5 wrote Completely Inconspicuous; G; PoTC/Torchwood

laurab1 wrote If This Book Should Ever Roam ; PG; Torchwood/Spooks

The X-Files

slayergirlkal wrote It's Her; PG; Bones/X-Files: Brennan/Scully

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~ wizefics

pirates of the caribbean, buffy, due south, magnificent seven, supernatural, iron man, blake's 7, torchwood, spooks, shaun of the dead, doctor who, stargate: atlantis, smallville, harry potter, bones, dr. horrible’s sing along blog, heroes, primeval, x-files, the blob, ncis, angel

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