Volume 003, Issue 126

Oct 16, 2008 12:28

Volume 003, Issue 126
This issue covers October 15th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


toorakroad  made Dean/Brooke icons




johnnypurple  wrote Forty Miles of Bad Road; PG-13, SPN/Alien : Ellen H/Ellen R

Battlestar Galactica
rapfic  wrote The Golden Ship 4/?; NR, BSG/Jeremiah : gen

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
bassair  wrote Come What May, Part B 2/14; R, BtVS/TW : Jack/Ianto, Buffy/Spike, Tosh/Willow

Burn Notice
emmademarais  wrote Rough Ride; PG13, The Unit/Burn Notice : Mack Gerhardt/Michael Westen
supercaptain182  wrote Burning Delirium; R, Smallville/Burn Notice : Clark/Bruce, Clark/Lex

princess_schez  wrote Witches, Demons and Hunters, Oh My! 16/?; PG-13, SPN/Charmed : gen

Dark Angel
minkmix  wrote Incandesce Part 7, Part 8; R, DA/SPN : gen

Doctor Who
radiantbaby  wrote A Day In February (Snapshot 5); NC-17, DW/Love In The 21st Century : Martha/Dr. John

zannes  wrote "boredom. . .it's the root of all evil" 6/?; PG, SPN/Firefly : Dean/Sam, Dean/Mal

Grey's Anatomy
jennyo  wrote Life on Venus 1/?; R, Life on Mars/GA : Callie/Erica
ohhhaddison  wrote Unexpected Love 1/?; PG-13, Private Practice/GA : Addison/Callie

brokengem  wrote A Little Lesson; PG, Heroes/X-Men : Elle/Scott

House MD
veldeia  wrote Iron & Irony: Second Encounters 2/10; PG-13, Iron Man/House MD : Tony/Pepper

Iron Man
veldeia  wrote Iron & Irony: Second Encounters 2/10; PG-13, Iron Man/House MD : Tony/Pepper

rapfic  wrote The Golden Ship 4/?; NR, BSG/Jeremiah : gen

Life on Mars
jennyo  wrote Life on Venus 1/?; R, Life on Mars/GA : Callie/Erica

Love In The 21st Century
radiantbaby  wrote A Day In February (Snapshot 5); NC-17, DW/Love In The 21st Century : Martha/Dr. John

triskellion  wrote Visit From An Old Acquaintance; PG-13, NCIS/TW : Gibbs/Jack
slashy_me  wrote Shades of Love; R, NCIS/West Wing : Gibbs/CJ Cregg, Gibbs/DiNozzo

Private Practice
ohhhaddison  wrote Unexpected Love 1/?; PG-13, Private Practice/GA : Addison/Callie

fonapola  wrote Crossing Kansas: Shared Secret; NR, SPN/Smallville : Dean/Chloe
supercaptain182  wrote Burning Delirium; R, Smallville/Burn Notice : Clark/Bruce, Clark/Lex
misformazing  wrote Asian Porn and Pumpkin Pie; PG, Smallville/SPN : Dean/Chloe

minkmix  wrote Incandesce Part 7, Part 8; R, DA/SPN : gen
fonapola  wrote Crossing Kansas: Shared Secret; NR, SPN/Smallville : Dean/Chloe
general_nothing  wrote Change Is Gonna Come; G, SPN/Tin Man : gen
princess_schez  wrote Witches, Demons and Hunters, Oh My! 16/?; PG-13, SPN/Charmed : gen
misformazing  wrote Asian Porn and Pumpkin Pie; PG, Smallville/SPN : Dean/Chloe
zannes  wrote "boredom. . .it's the root of all evil" 6/?; PG, SPN/Firefly : Dean/Sam, Dean/Mal
johnnypurple  wrote Forty Miles of Bad Road; PG-13, SPN/Alien : Ellen H/Ellen R

Tin Man
general_nothing  wrote Change Is Gonna Come; G, SPN/Tin Man : gen

bassair  wrote Come What May, Part B 2/14; R, BtVS/TW : Jack/Ianto, Buffy/Spike, Tosh/Willow
triskellion  wrote Visit From An Old Acquaintance; PG-13, NCIS/TW : Gibbs/Jack

The Unit
emmademarais  wrote Rough Ride; PG13, The Unit/Burn Notice : Mack Gerhardt/Michael Westen

West Wing
slashy_me  wrote Shades of Love; R, NCIS/West Wing : Gibbs/CJ Cregg, Gibbs/DiNozzo

brokengem  wrote A Little Lesson; PG, Heroes/X-Men : Elle/Scott

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~your mod,

grey's anatomy, love in the 21st century, buffy, alien, supernatural, life on mars, house m.d., iron man, the unit, x-men, torchwood, jeremiah, battlestar galactica, tin man, doctor who, burn notice, smallville, west wing, private practice, dark angel, heroes, charmed, ncis, firefly

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