Volume 008, Issue 170

Aug 17, 2013 15:28

This issue covers August 16th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!





Current Challenges:


Other Announcements

royaltystory: Royalty-themed Big Bang. FAQ/Rules | Author Sign-Ups | Artist Sign-Ups | Pod Fic Sign-Ups
fixitstory: Fix-It Big Bang. FAQ/Rules | Author Sign-Ups | Artist Sign-Ups | Pod Fic Sign-Ups
ncis_ficathon has open sign ups until August 18th!
oeam_bigbang is open! See this post for more info and Sign Up here



Anita Blake

laney_1974 wrote Nature | FR15 | Anita Blake/Buffy | Gen
wyndewalker wrote Game Changer | PG | Anita Blake/Buffy | Xander/Nathaniel
laney_1974 wrote Horror | FR15 | Anita Blake/Buffy | Gen


black_k_kat wrote Amaranth and Ivy | T | Avengers/Torchwood | Jack/Ianto, Clint/Natasha, Steve/Tony
shenshen77 wrote Thicker Than Water 1/7 | PG-13 | Avengers/Bourne Legacy | Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Aaron Cross/Marta Shearing
beri_fanfic wrote Building | FRC | Avengers/Buffy | Gen
indraleigh wrote Questions after Class | FR13 | Avengers/Buffy | Gen

Bourne Legacy

shenshen77 wrote Thicker Than Water 1/7 | PG-13 | Avengers/Bourne Legacy | Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Aaron Cross/Marta Shearing

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer

manchester_17 wrote August 16, 1948 | FR15 | Buffy/Gasoline Alley | Gen
jakedaman wrote Buffy Meets The Dukes of Hazzard | FR18 | Buffy/Dukes of Hazzard | Gen
laney_1974 wrote Nature | FR15 | Anita Blake/Buffy | Gen
selonianth wrote Waiting On The Plan | FR15 | Buffy/Firefly | Gen
beri_fanfic wrote Building | FRC | Avengers/Buffy | Gen
wyndewalker wrote Game Changer | PG | Anita Blake/Buffy | Xander/Nathaniel
joehundredaire wrote Around the Marvel Universe in 31 Days #2.5 | PG-13/FR15 | Buffy/X-Men | Gen
mmooch wrote Real Daddy's Grandpa | FR-13 | Buffy/Charmed/Incredible Hulk | Gen
jerseyfabulous wrote Reunion | FR13 | Buffy/NCIS | Gen
koohii_cafe wrote Those Who Lived Death | FR7 | Buffy/Torchwood | Gen
akat24 wrote House of Cards | PG | Buffy/Harry Potter | Gen
kerrykhat wrote Out of the Woods | PG | Buffy/Mercedes Thompson series | Gen
indraleigh wrote Questions after Class | FR13 | Avengers/Buffy | Gen
laney_1974 wrote Horror | FR15 | Anita Blake/Buffy | Gen


mmooch wrote Real Daddy's Grandpa | FR-13 | Buffy/Charmed/Incredible Hulk | Gen


Airawyn wrote Poverty of Time 5/6 and 6/6 | M | DCU/Hunger Games | Roy Harper/Jason Todd

The Dukes of Hazzard

jakedaman wrote Buffy Meets The Dukes of Hazzard | FR18 | Buffy/Dukes of Hazzard | Gen


selonianth wrote Waiting On The Plan | FR15 | Buffy/Firefly | Gen

Gasoline Alley

manchester_17 wrote August 16, 1948 | FR15 | Buffy/Gasoline Alley | Gen

Harry Potter

akat24 wrote House of Cards | PG | Buffy/Harry Potter | Gen

Hunger Games

Airawyn wrote Poverty of Time 5/6 and 6/6 | M | DCU/Hunger Games | Roy Harper/Jason Todd

Incredible Hulk

mmooch wrote Real Daddy's Grandpa | FR-13 | Buffy/Charmed/Incredible Hulk | Gen

Mercedes Thompson

kerrykhat wrote Out of the Woods | PG | Buffy/Mercedes Thompson series | Gen


jerseyfabulous wrote Reunion | FR13 | Buffy/NCIS | Gen


black_k_kat wrote Amaranth and Ivy | T | Avengers/Torchwood | Jack/Ianto, Clint/Natasha, Steve/Tony
koohii_cafe wrote Those Who Lived Death | FR7 | Buffy/Torchwood | Gen


joehundredaire wrote Around the Marvel Universe in 31 Days #2.5 | PG-13/FR15 | Buffy/X-Men | Gen

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

hunger games, dukes of hazzard, avengers, buffy, movie (gen), mercedes thompson, anita blake, x-men, torchwood, dc comics, harry potter, incredible hulk, charmed, ncis, firefly, tv (gen)

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