Volume 008, Issue 119

Jun 27, 2013 12:35

This issue covers June 25th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

finnickodair created Let This River Flow | Art | G | Sherlock/Supernatural | Gen

alchemise created This Cannot End Well | T+ | Supernatural/Teen Wolf | Gen


Multiple Crossovers Stories only listed once

Hibanai wrote A Thief Amidst MI6 - Chapter 3 + 4 | M | Avengers/Iron Man/Sky Fall | James Bond/Q, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Q, Tony Stark/Q

couldbeaspaceraider wrote And Behind Door Number One... | NR | Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter/Hetalia/Indiana Jones/Inglorious Basterds/X-Men: First Class | Gen

LokiedIronedAmerica wrote As Soon As I Wake Up - Chapter 7 | GA | Batman/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Iron Man | Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Edwin Jarvis/Alfred Pennyworth, Spike/Buffy Summers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark

ConsultingWriters wrote Docendo Discimus - Chapter 18 | M | Harry Potter/Sky Fall/Sherlock | Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, James Bond/Q, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson

Bremol wrote Of Fantasies and Realities - Chapter 7 | M | Fantasy Island/Murder She Wrote/One Life to Live/Princess Diaries/The Bold and the Beautiful | Ben Davidson/Viki Davidson, Eric Forrester/Stephanie Forrester, Jessica Fletcher/George Sutherland, Joseph/Clarisse Renaldi


Frea_O wrote Bad Altitude | T+ | Arrow/Avengers | Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak


Frea_O wrote Bad Altitude | T+ | Arrow/Avengers | Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak


Kuewnasi wrote Protector - Chapter 3 | T+ | Baccano!/Harry Potter | Gen


osaki_nana_707 wrote Après Moi, le Deluge - Chapter 20 | M | Brick/Inception | Arthur/Eames, Brendan Frye/Emily Kostich, Laura Dannon/Brendan Frye

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

pretzel_logic wrote Xander Harris and the Nightmare King - Chapter 8 | GA | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Rise of the Guardians | Gen

Cabin Pressure

withaflourish wrote When Worlds Collide - Chapter 70 | T+ | Cabin Pressure/Sherlock | Multi

black-sluggard wrote Black Edelweiss - Chapter 28 | R | Castle/Heroes | Ryan/Esposito

Doctor Who
scandalbaby wrote Mementos | PG | Doctor Who/Sherlock | Sherlock Holmes/Irene Adler


Azurelitestar wrote Gameplay - Chapter 18 | T+ | Durarara!!/Persona 4 | Heiwajima Shizuo/Orihara Izaya, Kishitani Shinra/Celty Sturluson


Star1086 wrote Road to Nowhere - Chapter 4 | T+ | Fringe/The Walking Dead | Gen

Harry Potter

Kuewnasi wrote Protector - Chapter 3 | T+ | Baccano!/Harry Potter | Gen

black-sluggard wrote Black Edelweiss - Chapter 28 | R | Castle/Heroes | Ryan/Esposito

Hollow Crown

roryheadmav wrote A Sliver of A Poisoned Apple - Chapter 12 | E | Hollow Crown/Snow White and the Huntsman | The Huntsman/Prince Hal


osaki_nana_707 wrote Après Moi, le Deluge - Chapter 20 | M | Brick/Inception | Arthur/Eames, Brendan Frye/Emily Kostich, Laura Dannon/Brendan Frye

Law & Order: Criminal Intent

lastabernathy wrote All the Pretty and Wicked Little Things | T+ | Law & Order: Criminal Intent/Supernatural | Robert Goren/OFC


MissMeggie wrote Tripping Over The Happy Ending | T+ | Leverage/Once Upon a Time | Belle/Rumpelstiltskin | Mr. Gold, Parker/Eliot Spencer

Mass Effect

Pyreite wrote Aftermath - Chapter 6 | M | Mass Effect/Transformers | FemShep Reaper Master AI/Jazz, Perceptor/OFC

Mortal Kombat

Dracothelizard wrote This Is Where You Fall Down - Chapter 2 | GA | Mortal Kombat/Teen Wolf | Gen

Once Upon a Time

tjmystic wrote Seasons of Light and Darkness - Chapter 2 | T+ | Once Upon a Time/Stargate Universe | Rumpelstiltskin | Mr. Gold/Belle/Nicholas Rush

MissMeggie wrote Tripping Over The Happy Ending | T+ | Leverage/Once Upon a Time | Belle/Rumpelstiltskin | Mr. Gold, Parker/Eliot Spencer

Persona 4

Azurelitestar wrote Gameplay - Chapter 18 | T+ | Durarara!!/Persona 4 | Heiwajima Shizuo/Orihara Izaya, Kishitani Shinra/Celty Sturluson

Rise of the Guardians

pretzel_logic wrote Xander Harris and the Nightmare King - Chapter 8 | GA | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Rise of the Guardians | Gen


foxglovely wrote for the people you are - Chapter 3 | M | Sherlock/Star Trek | Khan Noonien Singh/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
twisting_vine_x wrote Let This River Flow | NC-17 | Sherlock/Supernatural | John/Sherlock, Dean/Castiel
scandalbaby wrote Mementos | PG | Doctor Who/Sherlock | Sherlock Holmes/Irene Adler

withaflourish wrote When Worlds Collide - Chapter 70 | T+ | Cabin Pressure/Sherlock | Multi

Snow White and the Huntsman

roryheadmav wrote A Sliver of A Poisoned Apple - Chapter 12 | E | Hollow Crown/Snow White and the Huntsman | The Huntsman/Prince Hal

Sonic the Hedgehog

JunAegileus777 wrote The Wind Chronicles of Gaea - Chapter 7 | T+ | Sonic the Hedgehog/The Vision of Escaflowne | Arthur/Lancelot, Gawain/Percival, Knuckles the Echidna/Blaze the Cat, Sonic the Hedgehog/Shadow the Hedgehog

Star Trek

foxglovely wrote for the people you are - Chapter 3 | M | Sherlock/Star Trek | Khan Noonien Singh/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson

Stargate Universe

tjmystic wrote Seasons of Light and Darkness - Chapter 2 | T+ | Once Upon a Time/Stargate Universe | Rumpelstiltskin | Mr. Gold/Belle/Nicholas Rush


lastabernathy wrote All the Pretty and Wicked Little Things | T+ | Law & Order: Criminal Intent/Supernatural | Robert Goren/OFC

chii wrote Everyone Likes Star Wars | T+ | Supernatural/Teen Wolf | Gen
twisting_vine_x wrote Let This River Flow | NC-17 | Sherlock/Supernatural | John/Sherlock, Dean/Castiel

Twisted_Slinky wrote Of Wolf and Man | GA | Supernatural/Teen Wolf | Gen

Teen Wolf

chii wrote Everyone Likes Star Wars | T+ | Supernatural/Teen Wolf | Gen

Twisted_Slinky wrote Of Wolf and Man | GA | Supernatural/Teen Wolf | Gen

Dracothelizard wrote This Is Where You Fall Down - Chapter 2 | GA | Mortal Kombat/Teen Wolf | Gen

The Vision of Escaflowne

Gryphonrhi wrote Boxes, Breakfasts, and Boom-Boom | GA | Haven/Higlander | Gen

The Walking Dead

Star1086 wrote Road to Nowhere - Chapter 4 | T+ | Fringe/The Walking Dead | Gen


Pyreite wrote Aftermath - Chapter 6 | M | Mass Effect/Transformers | FemShep Reaper Master AI/Jazz, Perceptor/OFC

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

Note: We are looking for an editor for crossover_news. If you are interested in compiling our Thursday edition (posting the newsletter on Friday), please leave a comment on any issue.

~Your editor,

manga/anime (gen), inception, avengers, buffy, movie (gen), persona 4, supernatural, stargate: universe, castle, teen wolf, once upon a time, mortal kombat, baccano, rise of the guardians, doctor who, walking dead, cabin pressure, sonic the hedgehog, harry potter, leverage, heroes, star trek, shelock, fringe, transformers, law & order: svu, mass effect

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