Volume 008, Issue 021

Feb 05, 2013 01:20

This issue covers February 3rd in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


Multifandom (4 or more, listed only once)
ffutures wrote Five Mistakes Loki Made (and One Time He Got Things Right) | NR | Avengers/The Mask/The Watchmen/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/DC

The Avengers
rodlox wrote Past and Future Peril | PG-13 | Terminator/The Avengers | Stark/Potts, Thor/Jane, Future!Connor/future!Brewster
ella-bee wrote Of Secret Service and Superheroes | G | Avengers/Warehouse 13 | Gen

Battlestar Galactica
lls-mutant wrote We Are Not Shining Stars | PG-13 | Battlestar Galactica/Firefly | Zoe/Wash

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
fanboi214 wrote College Hard | PG | Buffy/Community | Buffy/Spike
craterdweller wrote Ripper in Time | NR | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Doctor Who | Gen

Cora Clavia wrote Stolen Sky Ch. 11/?, Ch. 12/?, Ch. 12/? | T | Firefly/Castle | Mal/Kate
faithburke wrote Phising Bait | PG | Castle/Leverage | Gen

fanboi214 wrote College Hard | PG | Buffy/Community | Buffy/Spike

Doctor Who
craterdweller wrote Ripper in Time | NR | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Doctor Who | Gen

lls-mutant wrote We Are Not Shining Stars | PG-13 | Battlestar Galactica/Firefly | Zoe/Wash
Benji The Vampire Confuser wrote Milk Run | PG | Firefly/Star Wars | Gen
jjddma5 wrote A Change of Events | T | Firefly/One Piece | Gen
Cora Clavia wrote Stolen Sky Ch. 11/?, Ch. 12/?, Ch. 12/? | T | Firefly/Castle | Mal/Kate
sxevlbtch wrote A Firefly Among Monsters Ch. 43/?, Ch. 44/? | M | Firefly/Pitch Black | Riddick/River
Makilome wrote Dances With Death | T | Firefly/Harry Potter | Tom Riddle/River
tielan wrote Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | T+ | Firefly/Star Trek | Gen
supercoollock wrote The Mechanic's Angel | M | Firefly/Supernatural | Anna Milton/Kaylee, Kaylee/Simon
Nyxierose wrote The Best Years of Our Lives | T | Firefly/Les Misérables | Gen
Fyre wrote Can't Take the Sky Ch. 24 | T+ | Firefly/Once Upon a Time | Belle/Rumpelstiltskin

Harry Potter
Makilome wrote Dances With Death | T | Firefly/Harry Potter | Tom Riddle/River
hiddencait wrote The Lionhearted | T | Harry Potter/Narnia | Jill Pole/Eustace Scrubb, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (implied), pre Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy

Les Miserables
Nyxierose wrote The Best Years of Our Lives | T | Firefly/Les Misérables | Gen

faithburke wrote Phising Bait | PG | Castle/Leverage | Gen

hiddencait wrote The Lionhearted | T | Harry Potter/Narnia | Jill Pole/Eustace Scrubb, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (implied), pre Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy

Once Upon A Time
ciaimpala wrote To Jump, Not Fall | PG-13 | Once Upon A Time/Sherlock | Ruby/Molly
Fyre wrote Can't Take the Sky Ch. 24 | T+ | Firefly/Once Upon a Time | Belle/Rumpelstiltskin

One Piece
jjddma5 wrote A Change of Events | T | Firefly/One Piece | Gen

Pitch Black
sxevlbtch wrote A Firefly Among Monsters Ch. 43/?, Ch. 44/? | M | Firefly/Pitch Black | Riddick/River

ciaimpala wrote To Jump, Not Fall | PG-13 | Once Upon A Time/Sherlock | Ruby/Molly

Star Trek
gladdecease wrote The Rapture | PG | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/Supernatural | Gen
gladdecease wrote Balancing Act | PG | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/Supernatural | Gen
tielan wrote Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | T+ | Firefly/Star Trek | Gen

Star Wars
Benji The Vampire Confuser wrote Milk Run | PG | Firefly/Star Wars | Gen

gladdecease wrote The Rapture | PG | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/Supernatural | Gen
gladdecease wrote Balancing Act | PG | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/Supernatural | Gen
supercoollock wrote The Mechanic's Angel | M | Firefly/Supernatural | Anna Milton/Kaylee, Kaylee/Simon

rodlox wrote Past and Future Peril | PG-13 | Terminator/The Avengers | Stark/Potts, Thor/Jane, Future!Connor/future!Brewster

Warehouse 13
ella-bee wrote Of Secret Service and Superheroes | G | Avengers/Warehouse 13 | Gen

NOTE: We are looking for two editors for crossover_news. If you are interested in compiling our Tuesday edition (posting the newsletter on Wednesday) or our Thursday edition (posting the newsletter on Friday), please leave a comment on any issue.

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

star trek: ds9, watchmen, avengers, buffy, warehouse 13, movie (gen), supernatural, castle, narnia, terminator (films), one piece, once upon a time, battlestar galactica, dc comics, doctor who, star wars, community, chronicles of riddick: pitch black, leverage, star trek, sherlock, les miserables, firefly

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