Volume 008, issue 006

Jan 10, 2013 13:32

This issue covers January 9 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


Multifandom (3 or more, listed only once)
ffutures wrote Give the Boys a Great Big Hand - XI | PG13 | Burn Notice/Dexter/NCIS | Gen

black-sluggard wrote Of Mice and Men | PG13 | Castle/Fables | Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan

Doctor Who
settiai wrote Long-Distance Phone Calls | 13 | Doctor Who/Sarah Jane Chronicles | Gen
ChibiAyane wrote The Other Universe | PG13 | Doctor Who/Firefly | Gen

Downton Abbey
foojules wrote Bring Back Some Browncoats to Shake Us Up a Bit | PG13 | Downton Abbey/Harry Potter | Gen

black-sluggard wrote Of Mice and Men | PG13 | Castle/Fables | Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan

raul-1331 wrote Stepping Into The Sky | PG13 | Firefly/Harry Potter | Gen
Jrf Steel wrote Space Wizard | R | Firefly/Harry Potter | Gen
Boxfullofmemories wrote Next Generation | PG | Firefly/Percy Jackson & the Olympians | Gen
ChibiAyane wrote The Other Universe | PG13 | Doctor Who/Firefly | Gen
courageousteapot wrote Can't Take the Sky from Me | PG13 | Firefly/Sherlock | Gen

Harry Potter
raul-1331 wrote Stepping Into The Sky | PG13 | Firefly/Harry Potter | Gen
Jrf Steel wrote Space Wizard | R | Firefly/Harry Potter | Gen
foojules wrote Bring Back Some Browncoats to Shake Us Up a Bit | PG13 | Downton Abbey/Harry Potter | Gen
adacook wrote Painful First Impressions | R | Harry Potter/Supernatural | Dean Winchester/Harry Potter

rbmifan wrote Annex | PG | Okami/Supernatural | Gen

Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Boxfullofmemories wrote Next Generation | PG | Firefly/Percy Jackson & the Olympians | Gen

Sarah Jane Chronicles
settiai wrote Long-Distance Phone Calls | 13 | Doctor Who/Sarah Jane Chronicles | Gen

stardust-made wrote Of Ghosts and Men (1/?) | R | Sherlock/Supernatural | Gen
courageousteapot wrote Can't Take the Sky from Me | PG13 | Firefly/Sherlock | Gen

stardust-made wrote Of Ghosts and Men (1/?) | R | Sherlock/Supernatural | Gen
adacook wrote Painful First Impressions | R | Harry Potter/Supernatural | Dean Winchester/Harry Potter
rbmifan wrote Annex | PG | Okami/Supernatural | Gen

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

Note: We are looking for two editors for crossover_news. If you are interested in compiling our Tuesday edition (posting the newsletter on Wednesday) or our Thursday edition (posting the newsletter on Friday), please leave a comment on any issue.

percy jackson and the olympians, doctor who, sarah jane adventures, burn notice, harry potter, supernatural, dexter, castle, downton abbey, okami, sherlock, ncis, fables, firefly

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