Volume 007, Issue 266

Dec 10, 2012 09:48

This issue covers December 9th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


Multifandom (3 or more, listed only once)
cmkildare and jedi-harkness wrote Torchwood: The Sealed Archives (Cleopatra's Fury) Ch. 3-4 | R | Torchwood/Warehouse 13/Sanctuary | Jack/Ianto, past Jack/OC, one-sided H.G. Wells/Wolcott, Pete/Myka, H.G. Wells/James Watson, Gwen/Rhys

Mygayshoes wrote Seventeen times Bad Wolf Interfered Ch. 1/18, Ch. 2/18, Ch. 3/18, Ch. 4/18 | Not Rated | Doctor Who/Star Trek: The Next Generation/Star Trek 2009/Stargate Atlantis/Andromeda/Firefly/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Eureka/Highlander/Sanctuary/Supernatural/Being Human/Dead Like Me/Grimm | Gen

sakurasake wrote A Murder of Crows | Mature | The Avengers/Firefly/Doctor Who | Mal Reynolds/OFC, Jayne Cobb/River Tam, Wash Washburne/Zoe Washburne, Loki/Inara Serra, Kaylee Frye/Simon Tam, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark

The Avengers
backrose-17 wrote Echoes Of Our Soul - Master list | R | Torchwood/The Avengers | Steve/Ianto/Tony, Jack/Ianto/Steve/Tony, Natasha/Tosh/Darcy, Maria/Owen/Martha, Clint/Pepper/Coulson, Thor/Bruce /Jane

allthingsnerd wrote Apples, Murder Boards, and Old Friends Ch. 4 | K+ | Castle/Firefly | Gen

allthingsnerd wrote Protection Ch. 1, Ch. 2 | GA | Castle/Firefly | Gen

Doctor Who
dancingdragon3 wrote DD3's Crossover Event | NC-17 | Heroes/Doctor Who | RM Petlar, 5YG Petlar, BH Petlar, BH Petlar/5YG Peter, BH Sylar/Gabriel (RM Sylar)

oonaseckar wrote Lord What Fools These Mortals Be Ch. 1/5, Ch. 2/5, Ch. 3/5, Ch. 4/5 | R | X-Men 1st Class/Dollhouse | Erik/Charles

allthingsnerd wrote Apples, Murder Boards, and Old Friends Ch. 4 | K+ | Castle/Firefly | Gen

allthingsnerd wrote Protection Ch. 1, Ch. 2 | GA | Castle/Firefly | Gen

courageousteapot wrote Can't Take the Sky from Me Ch. 5 | T+ | Sherlock/Firefly | Gen

dancingdragon3 wrote DD3's Crossover Event | NC-17 | Heroes/Doctor Who | RM Petlar, 5YG Petlar, BH Petlar, BH Petlar/5YG Peter, BH Sylar/Gabriel (RM Sylar)

Iron Man
gelbes-gilatier wrote Let Me Know If You're Still Alive | K+ | Stargate/Iron Man | Gen

courageousteapot wrote Can't Take the Sky from Me Ch. 5 | T+ | Sherlock/Firefly | Gen

gelbes-gilatier wrote Let Me Know If You're Still Alive | K+ | Stargate/Iron Man | Gen

backrose-17 wrote Echoes Of Our Soul - Master list | R | Torchwood/The Avengers | Steve/Ianto/Tony, Jack/Ianto/Steve/Tony, Natasha/Tosh/Darcy, Maria/Owen/Martha, Clint/Pepper/Coulson, Thor/Bruce /Jane

X-Men 1st Class
oonaseckar wrote Lord What Fools These Mortals Be Ch. 1/5, Ch. 2/5, Ch. 3/5, Ch. 4/5 | R | X-Men 1st Class/Dollhouse | Erik/Charles

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

grimm, avengers, buffy, warehouse 13, supernatural, sanctuary, castle, iron man, x-men, stargate: sg-1, star trek: reboot, torchwood, andromeda, doctor who, being human, stargate: atlantis, dead like me, star trek: tng, dollhouse, highlander, heroes, sherlock, tv (gen), firefly, eureka

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