Volume 007, Issue 179

Aug 08, 2012 19:16

This issue covers August 7 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


twisted_slinky wrote "Love the Way You Lie" FR18, BtVS/Angel/Supernatural

mhalachaiswords wrote "Widow's Son" PG, Avengers/Stargate Atlantis
"jedibuttercup" wrote "Best Job Share Ever?" Teen, BtVS/The Avengers

beri_fanfic wrote "Visitors" PG-13, BtVS/Batman

tvashti wrote "Snow Day" G, Tin Man/BtVS
kerrykhat wrote "The Imprecise Art of Damage Control" PG-13, Mercedes Thompson Series/BtVS
"jedibuttercup" wrote "Best Job Share Ever?" Teen, BtVS/The Avengers
jerseyfabulous wrote "Superior Jane" FR13, Jane of Lantern Hill/BtVS
patriciatepes wrote "Ashes, Ashes" PG-13, Vampire Hunter D/BtVS
twisted_slinky wrote "Love the Way You Lie" FR18, BtVS/Angel/Supernatural
beri_fanfic wrote "Visitors" PG-13, BtVS/Batman
koohii_cafe wrote "Squid" FR7, BtVS/Young Justice
bre2004 wrote "Let's Do this Thing" FR18, Supernatural/BtVS, Buffy/Dean
jaded_angel8 wrote "Taking the Initiative" FR7, BtVS/Stargate:SG1, Buffy/Riley
jedibuttercup wrote "Acquit Me Hencefouth of Cruelty" PG-13, Leverage/BtVS
indraleigh wrote "Suggest A Doctor" FR13, BtVS/Sherlock
wyndewalker wrote "You Thought WHAT Was A Good Idea?" R, The Losers/BtVS

Grey's Anatomy
ressick_recs wrote "Closing Doors" G, Grey's Anatomy/Rizzoli&Isles, Callie/Arizona, mention of past Callie/Erica

Jane of Lantern Hill
jerseyfabulous wrote "Superior Jane" FR13, Jane of Lantern Hill/BtVS

jedibuttercup wrote "Acquit Me Hencefouth of Cruelty" PG-13, Leverage/BtVS

Mercedes Thompson Series
kerrykhat wrote "The Imprecise Art of Damage Control" PG-13, Mercedes Thompson Series/BtVS

Rizzoli & Isles
ressick_recs wrote "Closing Doors" G, Grey's Anatomy/Rizzoli&Isles, Callie/Arizona, mention of past Callie/Erica

indraleigh wrote "Suggest A Doctor" FR13, BtVS/Sherlock

Stargate Atlantis
mhalachaiswords wrote "Widow's Son" PG, Avengers/Stargate Atlantis

Stargate SG-1
jaded_angel8 wrote "Taking the Initiative" FR7, BtVS/Stargate:SG1, Buffy/Riley

twisted_slinky wrote "Love the Way You Lie" FR18, BtVS/Angel/Supernatural
bre2004 wrote "Let's Do this Thing" FR18, Supernatural/BtVS, Buffy/Dean

The Losers
wyndewalker wrote "You Thought WHAT Was A Good Idea?" R, The Losers/BtVS

Tin Man
tvashti wrote "Snow Day" G, Tin Man/BtVS

Vampire Hunter D
patriciatepes wrote "Ashes, Ashes" PG-13, Vampire Hunter D/BtVS

Young Justice
koohii_cafe wrote "Squid" FR7, BtVS/Young Justice

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

We are looking for a new editor for crossover_news. If you are interested in compiling our Sunday edition (posting the newsletter on Monday), please leave a comment on any issue.

~Your editor,

young justice, grey's anatomy, batman, avengers, buffy, supernatural, mercedes thompson, stargate: sg-1, the losers, tin man, vampire hunter d, stargate: atlantis, leverage, jane of lantern hill, rizzoli & isles, sherlock, angel

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