Volume 007, Issue 177

Aug 07, 2012 03:32

This issue covers August 4th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

Current Challenges

femslash100 has issued its challenge 331.


A Nightmare on Elm Street
twisted_slinky wrote His Favorite Nightmare | FR-15 | BtVS/A Nightmare on Elm Street

The Avengers
jedibuttercup wrote Best Job Share Ever? | PG-13 | BtVS/Avengers | Gen
rivulet027 wrote Not Your Routine Rescue | PG-13 | BtVS/Avengers
indraleigh wrote Tutor for Hire | FR-13 | BtVS/The Avengers | Gen

tvashti wrote Filtered | PG | BtVS/Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

zem107 wrote Menos Genin - Chapter 6 | T | Naruto/Bleach | Gen

mmooch wrote Toothache Day | FR-13 | BtVS/MacGyver | Buffy/MacGyver
jedibuttercup wrote Best Job Share Ever? | PG-13 | BtVS/Avengers | Gen
hellbells101 wrote Help is at Hand | FR-15 | BtVS/Mission: Impossible
phantompopcorn wrote Old Snake Eyes | PG | BtVS/Harry Potter | Gen
jaded_angel8 wrote Late Notice | FR-13 | BtVS/Harry Potter | Gen
bre2004 wrote Freaking Out | R | BtVS/Supernatural | Buffy/Dean
beri_fanfic wrote Never Believe It | FR-7 | BtVS/The Magnificent Seven | Gen
wyndewalker wrote Mischief... Managed? | PG-13 | BtVS/Harry Potter | Gen
patriciatepes wrote Sleep Softly | PG | Vampire Hunter D/BtVS | Gen
twisted_slinky wrote His Favorite Nightmare | FR-15 | BtVS/A Nightmare on Elm Street
kerrykhat wrote Stranger Things Have Happened | PG-13 | BtVS/Thor
tvashti wrote Filtered | PG | BtVS/Batman: The Dark Knight Rises
jerseyfabulous wrote Keeping Faith | FR-15 | BtVS/Star Trek 2009
rivulet027 wrote Not Your Routine Rescue | PG-13 | BtVS/Avengers
indraleigh wrote Tutor for Hire | FR-13 | BtVS/The Avengers | Gen
koohii_cafe wrote Shopping Trip | FR-13 | BtVS/Star Wars

Doctor Who
SpawnofAnarion wrote The Immortal, The Weapon, and The Doctor - Chapter 5 | T | Firefly/Doctor Who | Gen

Dorotheian wrote Someday, You'll Learn to LoveMe - Chapter 13 | T | Skip Beat!/Durarara!! | Gen

SpawnofAnarion wrote The Immortal, The Weapon, and The Doctor - Chapter 5 | T | Firefly/Doctor Who | Gen

Harry Potter
phantompopcorn wrote Old Snake Eyes | PG | BtVS/Harry Potter | Gen
jaded_angel8 wrote Late Notice | FR-13 | BtVS/Harry Potter | Gen
wyndewalker wrote Mischief... Managed? | PG-13 | BtVS/Harry Potter | Gen

mmooch wrote Toothache Day | FR-13 | BtVS/MacGyver | Buffy/MacGyver

Magnificent Seven
beri_fanfic wrote Never Believe It | FR-7 | BtVS/The Magnificent Seven | Gen

Mission: Impossible
hellbells101 wrote Help is at Hand | FR-15 | BtVS/Mission: Impossible

zem107 wrote Menos Genin - Chapter 6 | T | Naruto/Bleach | Gen

Sex & the City
vikingprincess wrote Leftovers | T | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Sex & the City | Raphael/Samantha

Skip Beat!
Dorotheian wrote Someday, You'll Learn to LoveMe - Chapter 13 | T | Skip Beat!/Durarara!! | Gen

Star Trek
jerseyfabulous wrote Keeping Faith | FR-15 | BtVS/Star Trek 2009

Star Wars
koohii_cafe wrote Shopping Trip | FR-13 | BtVS/Star Wars

bre2004 wrote Freaking Out | R | BtVS/Supernatural | Buffy/Dean

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
vikingprincess wrote Leftovers | T | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Sex & the City | Raphael/Samantha

kerrykhat wrote Stranger Things Have Happened | PG-13 | BtVS/Thor

Vampire Hunter D
patriciatepes wrote Sleep Softly | PG | Vampire Hunter D/BtVS | Gen

NOTE: We are looking for a new editor for crossover_news. If you are interested in compiling our Sunday edition (posting the newsletter on Monday), please leave a comment on any issue.

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

naruto, manga/anime (gen), buffy, movie (gen), batman (movies), sex & the city, macgyver, the avengers, magnificent seven, teenage mutant ninja turtles, supernatural, star trek: reboot, doctor who, star wars, vampire hunter d, bleach, harry potter, thor, firefly

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