Volume 007, Issue 150

Jun 27, 2012 05:40

This issue covers June 25th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

deadflowers5 created art for the Supernatural/Queer As Folk fic "Burn it to the Ground"


ithildyn wrote "White As Snow, Red As Blood, Part 9" PG-13, Avengers/Highlander: Methos/OC, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
doublemeat wrote "A Meeting of Minds" PG, SPN/Buffy

trovia wrote "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" NR, X-Men/ER

marag wrote "Struggle Alone Pleases Us" PG, TW/Eureka

ithildyn wrote "White As Snow, Red As Blood, Part 9" PG-13, Avengers/Highlander: Methos/OC, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov

everlongsplace wrote "Undisclosed Desires, Chapters 1 and 2" 15, TW/Merlin: Jack/Ianto, Arthur/Merlin

Queer As Folk
delanach wrote "Burn it to the Ground" NC-17, SPN/QAF US: Sam/Dean, Sam/Brian Kinney, Dean/Justin

marag wrote "Nothing Human is Alien to Me" PG, Sherlock BBC/Torchwood: Jack/Lestrade

Stargate SG-1
marag wrote "Stolen Waters Are Sweet" PG, TW/Stargate SG-1: Jack/Ianto, Jack/everyone

delanach wrote "Burn it to the Ground" NC-17, SPN/QAF US: Sam/Dean, Sam/Brian Kinney, Dean/Justin
doublemeat wrote "A Meeting of Minds" PG, SPN/Buffy

Teen Titans
marag wrote "A Superhero and a Teaboy Walk into a Bar" PG, TW/Teen Titans: Jack/Ianto

marag wrote "Nothing Human is Alien to Me" PG, Sherlock BBC/Torchwood: Jack/Lestrade
marag wrote "A Superhero and a Teaboy Walk into a Bar" PG, TW/Teen Titans: Jack/Ianto
marag wrote "Stolen Waters Are Sweet" PG, TW/Stargate SG-1: Jack/Ianto, Jack/everyone
marag wrote "Struggle Alone Pleases Us" PG, TW/Eureka
everlongsplace wrote "Undisclosed Desires, Chapters 1 and 2" 15, TW/Merlin: Jack/Ianto, Arthur/Merlin

trovia wrote "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" NR, X-Men/ER

Note: We are looking for a new editor for crossover_news. If you are interested in compiling our Sunday edition (posting the newsletter on Monday), please leave a comment on any issue.

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

avengers, buffy, merlin, supernatural, highlander, teen titans, x-men, sherlock, er, queer as folk, stargate: sg-1, torchwood, eureka

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