Volume 007, Issue 148

Jun 23, 2012 13:04

This issue covers June 22nd in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!


romanse1 made Home To Me Video | R | Star Trek XI/Star Trek TOS/Criminal Minds/Spartacus/Man From U.N.C.L.E./LotR | Kirk/Spock, Kirk/McCoy, others




Current Challenges:


Other Announcements



The Avengers

Leonawriter wrote From Out of the Blue | G | Avengers/Star Trek XI | Gen
morganoconner wrote Out of the Dark | PG-13 | Avengers/Supernatural | Clint Barton/Phil Coulson


not_from_stars and enochiansigils wrote It's All Coming Back To Me | R | Charmed/Primeval | Captain Hilary Becker/Phoebe Halliwell

The Closer

joelthecat wrote When the Earth Moved | R | The Closer/Sanctuary | Sharon Raydor/John Druitt

Doctor Who

joelthecat wrote Through a Glass, Very Darkly | PG | Doctor Who/Sanctuary | Donna/Helen/Alt!Eleven

Fast Five

jedibuttercup wrote Put Your Funderwear On | PG-15 | Fast Five/Transformers | Luke Hobbs/Monica Fuentes, Brian O'Connor/Dominic Toretto

Harry Potter

rosie1234 wrote Playing a Part | PG | Harry Potter/Teen Wolf | Hermione/Jackson


game_byrd wrote The Future's So Bright | PG | Heroes/Star Trek XI | Gen


not_from_stars and enochiansigils wrote It's All Coming Back To Me | R | Charmed/Primeval | Captain Hilary Becker/Phoebe Halliwell


joelthecat wrote When the Earth Moved | R | The Closer/Sanctuary | Sharon Raydor/John Druitt
joelthecat wrote Through a Glass, Very Darkly | PG | Doctor Who/Sanctuary | Donna/Helen/Alt!Eleven


sarcastic_fina wrote C'est La Vie, C'est La Mort | Mature | Smallville/Vampire Diaries | Chloe/Stefan

Star Trek

Leonawriter wrote From Out of the Blue | G | Avengers/Star Trek XI | Gen
game_byrd wrote The Future's So Bright | PG | Heroes/Star Trek XI | Gen


morganoconner wrote Out of the Dark | PG-13 | Avengers/Supernatural | Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
crossroads_kiss wrote Logic is Panic's Prey | E | Supernatural/Yu Yu Hokusho | Gen
crossroads_kiss wrote Dean Men Don't Wear Plad | E | Supernatural/Yu Yu Hokusho | Gen
crossroads_kiss wrote Fox in the Chicken Coop | E | Supernatural/Yu Yu Hokusho | Gen

Teen Wolf

rosie1234 wrote Playing a Part | PG | Harry Potter/Teen Wolf | Hermione/Jackson


jedibuttercup wrote Put Your Funderwear On | PG-15 | Fast Five/Transformers | Luke Hobbs/Monica Fuentes, Brian O'Connor/Dominic Toretto

The Vampire Diaries

sarcastic_fina wrote C'est La Vie, C'est La Mort | Mature | Smallville/Vampire Diaries | Chloe/Stefan

Yu Yu Hokusho

crossroads_kiss wrote Logic is Panic's Prey | E | Supernatural/Yu Yu Hokusho | Gen
crossroads_kiss wrote Dean Men Don't Wear Plad | E | Supernatural/Yu Yu Hokusho | Gen
crossroads_kiss wrote Fox in the Chicken Coop | E | Supernatural/Yu Yu Hokusho | Gen

Note: We are looking for a new editor for crossover_news. If you are interested in compiling our Sunday edition (posting the newsletter on Monday), please leave a comment on any issue.

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

avengers, movie (gen), yu yu hakusho, supernatural, vampire diaries, sanctuary, star trek: reboot, teen wolf, doctor who, smallville, harry potter, heroes, the closer, primeval, charmed, transformers

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