Volume 003, Issue 081

Aug 29, 2008 21:38

Volume 003, Issue 081
This issue covers August 28th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

dreamerjenna posted a Dean/Hayley manip

Current Challenges:
bringthehappy is open for prompt claiming


Twisting the Hellmouth Drabbles: Stories only listed once
wizefics wrote Six Degreees of a Saturday Night, G, BtVS/Batman, Batman/X-men, X-men/Torchwood, Torchwood/Burn Notice, Burn Notice/SPN, SPN/BtVS

Adam Adamant Lives
calliope85 wrote A Less than Civil Service, NC-17, Adam Adamant Lives/Lucifer Box

Babylon 5
lyrstzha wrote Sympathy for the Devil, PG, Supernatural/Babylon 5

Birds of Prey
tarlanx wrote Killer Instinct 4: Rekindling the Flame, R, Mutant X/Birds of Prey

Buffy:The Vampire Slayer:
dreamcatcher wrote Advent Sunnydale, 4/10, PG-13, BtVS/FFVII:AC

Dark Angel:
lori_leaf wrote Just Another Day at the Park, PG, Dark Angel/Supernatural
minkmix wrote Minor Tremor, Part 4, PG, Supernatural/Dark Angel

Final Fantasy VII: AC
dreamcatcher wrote Advent Sunnydale, 4/10, PG-13, BtVS/FFVII:AC

Harry Potter
tjwritter wrote Everyone Lies, PG-13, House MD/Harry Potter

12_12_12 wrote Puzzle Pieces, 10/17, PG-13, Heroes/Lost
rosie1235 wrote Candy-Coated and Sticky Sweet, NR, Heroes/Smallville

House MD
tjwritter wrote Everyone Lies, PG-13, House MD/Harry Potter

James Bond
demon_faith wrote Beyond the Call, 5/6, R, Casino Royale/Torchwood: Bond/Ianto

12_12_12 wrote Puzzle Pieces, 10/17, PG-13, Heroes/Lost

Lucifer Box
calliope85 wrote A Less than Civil Service, NC-17, Adam Adamant Lives/Lucifer Box

Mutant X
tarlanx wrote Killer Instinct 4: Rekindling the Flame, R, Mutant X/Birds of Prey

The Sentinel
keiramarcos wrote The Sentinels of Atlantis, NC-17, SGA/The Sentinel

divas_lament wrote Endure, Part VI, PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville
shadowglove88 wrote Stanford, T, Supernatural/Smallville: Sam/Chloe
sweeten_200 wrote Crossing Kansas: Never Was, NR, Supernatural/Smallville
shadowglove88 wrote Family Reunion, T, Supernatural/Smallville: Sam/Chloe
rosie1235 wrote Candy-Coated and Sticky Sweet, NR, Heroes/Smallville

Stargate Atlantis & Stargate SG-1:
dellavie wrote The Stages of Grief, Part 3, K, Supernatural/SG-1
maychorian wrote Corner of Your Eye, PG-13, Supernatural/SG-1
keiramarcos wrote The Sentinels of Atlantis, NC-17, SGA/The Sentinel

lyrstzha wrote Sympathy for the Devil, PG, Supernatural/Babylon 5
divas_lament wrote Endure, Part VI, PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville
minkmix wrote Minor Tremor, Part 4, PG, Supernatural/Dark Angel
lori_leaf wrote Just Another Day at the Park, PG, Dark Angel/Supernatural
dellavie wrote The Stages of Grief, Part 3, K, Supernatural/SG-1
shadowglove88 wrote Stanford, T, Supernatural/Smallville: Sam/Chloe
maychorian wrote Corner of Your Eye, PG-13, Supernatural/SG-1
sweeten_200 wrote Crossing Kansas: Never Was, NR, Supernatural/Smallville
shadowglove88 wrote Family Reunion, T, Supernatural/Smallville: Sam/Chloe

demon_faith wrote Beyond the Call, 5/6, R, Casino Royale/Torchwood: Bond/Ianto

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~your editor

batman, babylon 5, birds of prey, buffy, supernatural, house m.d., lost, x-men, stargate: sg-1, torchwood, the sentinel, stargate: atlantis, burn notice, smallville, harry potter, dark angel, mutant x, james bond, heroes, final fantasy, tv (gen)

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