Volume 007, Issue 116

May 12, 2012 03:44

This issue covers May 10 in crossover fandom.

All fanfiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Livejournal. As the list is very long, an LJ cut has been implemented. Enjoy!


luv_me_xoxo made 11 manips | NR | Buffy/Supernatural | Sam/Buffy, Sam/Faith, Sam/Faith/Buffy


Multifandom (3+ fandoms, stories listed only once)
backrose_17 wrote Magic Call | PG-13 | Torchwood/Merlin/Doctor Who | Arthur/Merlin, Jack/Ianto, Doctor/Morgana, Martha, John/Tosh, Rhys/Gwen, Owen/Gwen, Morgana/Lisa, Andy, Kathy, hints of John/Ianto, some Andy/Ianto/Morgana, some Mary/Tosh, past Suzie/Tosh, past Ianto/Ferya and past Morgana/Gwen/Lancelot

The Avengers

RobinLorin wrote Big Damn Avengers | T | Firefly/Avengers | Kaylee/Simon, Wash/Zoe

Babylon 5
PearsonM957 wrote The Corps Brings You Serenity (Chapter 3) | K | Firefly/Babylon 5 | gen

Battlestar Galactica
ExpatKiwi wrote Pegasus Book 12: Return to the Colonies (Chapter 6) | K+ | Firefly/Battlestar Galactica | gen

amandam830 wrote Blue Amber ( Chapter 16Firefly
rosie1234 wrote Losing My Angel | PG-13 | Supernatural/Firefly | Castiel/Inara
ExpatKiwi wrote Pegasus Book 12: Return to the Colonies (Chapter 6) | K+ | Firefly/Battlestar Galactica | gen
PearsonM957 wrote The Corps Brings You Serenity (Chapter 3) | K | Firefly/Babylon 5 | gen
Raul 1331 wrote Stepping Into the Sky (Chapter 5) | T | Firefly/Harry Potter | gen

RobinLorin wrote Big Damn Avengers | T | Firefly/Avengers | Kaylee/Simon, Wash/Zoe

Harry Potter
Raul 1331 wrote Stepping Into the Sky (Chapter 5) | T | Firefly/Harry Potter | gen

Hunger Games
crackinois wrote Tribute ( Chapter 8) | T | Rizzoli & Isles/The Hunger Games | Jane/Maura

Rizzoli & Isles
crackinois wrote Tribute ( Chapter 8) | T | Rizzoli & Isles/The Hunger Games | Jane/Maura

amandam830 wrote Blue Amber ( Chapter 16 wrote Losing My Angel | PG-13 | Supernatural/Firefly | Castiel/Inara

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

hunger games, battlestar galactica, doctor who, babylon 5, buffy, harry potter, the avengers, merlin, supernatural, rizzoli & isles, tv (gen), firefly, torchwood

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