Volume 007, Issue 069

Mar 13, 2012 05:51

This issue covers March 12 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


Multifandom (4 or more, listed only once)
kerrykhat wrote "Four crossover challenge drabbles" NR, Buffy/Doctor Who, Angel/The Unusuals, Buffy/Mercedes Thompson Series
graycardinal wrote "Facing the Music, Part 1" G, BtVS/Kim Possible, Kim Possible/Gargoyles, Gargoyles/Smallville; and "Facing the Music, Part 2" G, Smallville/Velveteen Vs., Velveteen Vs./Incryptid, Incryptid/BtVS
beer_good_foamy wrote "Four People Who Failed Their Watcher Training (And One Who Didn’t): Five challenge drabbles" PG13/R, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Farscape; Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Top Gear; Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Scrubs; Buffy the Vampire Slayer/How I Met Your Mother; Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Dexter

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
jedibuttercup wrote "A Little More than One Million, B.C. series: Ten drabbles" NR, BtVS/Terra Nova
keep-counting wrote "Dynamics of The Less Fortunate" PG13, Buffy/Doctor Who: Anya/Xander
lit-gal wrote "Toys 29a" NC-17, Buffy/Stargate SG-1: Spike/Xander

Doctor Who
keep-counting wrote "Dynamics of The Less Fortunate" PG13, Buffy/Doctor Who: Anya/Xander

Hawaii Five-0
toomuchfandom wrote "Wrapped Around Her Finger" PG, NCIS/Stargate Atlantis/Hawaii Five-0: Ziva/McGarrett & Ziva/John Sheppard

toomuchfandom wrote "Wrapped Around Her Finger" PG, NCIS/Stargate Atlantis/Hawaii Five-0: Ziva/McGarrett & Ziva/John Sheppard

lit-gal wrote "Toys 29a" NC-17, Buffy/Stargate SG-1: Spike/Xander
toomuchfandom wrote "Wrapped Around Her Finger" PG, NCIS/Stargate Atlantis/Hawaii Five-0: Ziva/McGarrett & Ziva/John Sheppard

Terra Nova
jedibuttercup wrote "A Little More than One Million, B.C. series: Ten drabbles" NR, BtVS/Terra Nova

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

gargoyles, buffy, mercedes thompson, how i met your mother, stargate: sg-1, kim possible, literature (gen), doctor who, farscape, scrubs, stargate: atlantis, smallville, terra nova, dexter, hawaii five-0, ncis, tv (gen), angel

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