Volume 007, Issue 044

Feb 14, 2012 05:31

This issue covers February 13 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

Current Challenges
scifibigbang has Sci-Fi and Fantasy Big Bang Fanfiction Challenge (multifandom)


jedibuttercup wrote "If The Play Ran a Little Different" PG, Angel/PJO

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
1sshinyboat wrote "Happy Development, Chapters 10-15" R, BtVS/Firefly: Buffy/Willow, Faith/River, Mal/Inara, Kaylee/Simon
faithburke wrote "The Penance of Secrets" Gen, BtVS/Highlander

Doctor Who
missvmarigold wrote "Bullfight" NC-17, Doctor Who/Leverage: River Song/Sophie Devereaux
backrose_17 wrote "Magic Call, Chapter 13" PG-13, Torchwood/Merlin/Doctor Who: Arthur/Merlin, Jack/Ianto, Doctor/Morgana, Martha, John/Tosh, Rhys/Gwen, Owen/Gwen, Morgana/Lisa, Andy, Kathy, Andy/Ianto/Morgana, Mary/Tosh
matildaswan wrote "Afternoon entertainment" Mature, Doctor Who/Sanctuary
matildaswan wrote "Post Mission De-Briefing" NC-17, Doctor Who/Sanctuary: Helen Magnus/River Song/Eleven

1sshinyboat wrote "Happy Development, Chapters 10-15" R, BtVS/Firefly: Buffy/Willow, Faith/River, Mal/Inara, Kaylee/Simon

faithburke wrote "The Penance of Secrets" Gen, BtVS/Highlander
marbleglove wrote "What Dreams May Come" and "The Gambit Pileup" NR, Inception/Highlander

marbleglove wrote "What Dreams May Come" and "The Gambit Pileup" NR, Inception/Highlander

missvmarigold wrote "Bullfight" NC-17, Doctor Who/Leverage: River Song/Sophie Devereaux
neensz wrote "Square Peg, Chapters 14-15" R, Leverage/Psych/SG:A

backrose_17 wrote "Magic Call, Chapter 13" PG-13, Torchwood/Merlin/Doctor Who: Arthur/Merlin, Jack/Ianto, Doctor/Morgana, Martha, John/Tosh, Rhys/Gwen, Owen/Gwen, Morgana/Lisa, Andy, Kathy, Andy/Ianto/Morgana, Mary/Tosh

joelthecat wrote "Good Intelligence, Chapters 17 and 18" NC-17, NCIS/The Closer: Jenny Shepard/Brenda Leigh Johnson, Jethro Gibbs/Sharon Raydor

Percy Jackson and the Olympians,
jedibuttercup wrote "If The Play Ran a Little Different" PG, Angel/PJO

neensz wrote "Square Peg, Chapters 14-15" R, Leverage/Psych/SG:A

matildaswan wrote "Afternoon entertainment" Mature, Doctor Who/Sanctuary
matildaswan wrote "Post Mission De-Briefing" NC-17, Doctor Who/Sanctuary: Helen Magnus/River Song/Eleven

Stargate: Atlantis
neensz wrote "Square Peg, Chapters 14-15" R, Leverage/Psych/SG:A

The Closer
joelthecat wrote "Good Intelligence, Chapters 17 and 18" NC-17, NCIS/The Closer: Jenny Shepard/Brenda Leigh Johnson, Jethro Gibbs/Sharon Raydor

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

percy jackson and the olympians, psych, inception, doctor who, stargate: atlantis, buffy, merlin, highlander, sanctuary, leverage, the closer, ncis, firefly, angel

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