This issue covers December 20th in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!
Battlestar Galactica
fallingtowers wrote
"Attraction (Can't Take The Sky From Me Remix" Gen, Battlestar Galactica/Firefly, Louanne Katraine/Inara Serra
goddessofbirth wrote
"Out of Orbit, Chapter 39" PG-13, Chuck/Firefly
Devil Wears Prada
jazwriter wrote
"The Cerulean Dragon, 3/?" M/NC-17, Devil Wears Prada/Harry Potter, Minvera/Hermione, Miranda/Andy
Doctor Who
wildwinterwitch wrote
"Snapshots, 20/25" G, Doctor Who/Single Father, Dave/Rose
goddessofbirth wrote
"Out of Orbit, Chapter 39" PG-13, Chuck/Firefly
fallingtowers wrote
"Attraction (Can't Take The Sky From Me Remix" Gen, Battlestar Galactica/Firefly, Louanne Katraine/Inara Serra
remuslives23 wrote
"So Beautiful when the Boy Smiles" PG, Torchwood/Harry Potter/Glee, Jack/Ianto, Kurt/Blaine, Remus/Sirius
Grey's Anatomy
waltzmatildah wrote
"I Can Show You the World" R, The Vampire Diaries/Grey's Anatomy, Katherine/Meredith/Alex/Cristina
Harry Potter
remuslives23 wrote
"So Beautiful when the Boy Smiles" PG, Torchwood/Harry Potter/Glee, Jack/Ianto, Kurt/Blaine, Remus/Sirius
jazwriter wrote
"The Cerulean Dragon, 3/?" M/NC-17, Devil Wears Prada/Harry Potter, Minvera/Hermione, Miranda/Andy
Single Father
wildwinterwitch wrote
"Snapshots, 20/25" G, Doctor Who/Single Father, Dave/Rose
Star Trek: TOS
karaokegal wrote
"In Too Deep-Part 5" PG-13, Star Trek TOS/Torchwood, implied Kirk/Spock
rosie1234 wrote
"Hunters Taste Like Death" NR, The Vampire Diaries/Supernatural, Klaus/Jo, Jo/Dean
Vampire Diaries
rosie1234 wrote
"Hunters Taste Like Death" NR, The Vampire Diaries/Supernatural, Klaus/Jo, Jo/Dean
waltzmatildah wrote
"I Can Show You the World" R, The Vampire Diaries/Grey's Anatomy, Katherine/Meredith/Alex/Cristina
karaokegal wrote
"In Too Deep-Part 5" PG-13, Star Trek TOS/Torchwood, implied Kirk/Spock
remuslives23 wrote
"So Beautiful when the Boy Smiles" PG, Torchwood/Harry Potter/Glee, Jack/Ianto, Kurt/Blaine, Remus/Sirius
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
~Your editor,