Volume 006, Issue 274

Nov 22, 2011 05:46

This issue covers November 21 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


Multifandom (4 or more, listed only once)
darkwyldchilde wrote "Running With the Devil, Chapter 21" NC-17, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel/NCIS/The Executioner/Supernatural Tara/Faith, Abby/Ziva

Blue Neutrino wrote "Hell Unleashed, Chapters 1-3" T, Firefly/Aliens

Battlestar Galactica
averita wrote "Secrets and Stars" G, Sarah Jane Adventures/Battlestar Galactica
ExpatKiwi wrote "Pegasus: Book 11 - Way Beyond and A New Beginning, Chapters 32 and 33" K+, Firefly/Battlestar Galactica
rapfic wrote "Going Forward, Part 21" NR, Battlestar Galactica/Star Trek: TNG

DC Comics
darthbatgirl wrote "His Thieving Ways, Part 2" PG, DC/Marvel: Remy/Tim

inspectorboxer wrote "No Rest for the Wicked, Part 29" NR, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles/Firefly: River/Sarah, Zoe/Inara
Sunbird Riding Shotgun wrote "A Long Way from Orion, Chapter 2" T, Firefly/Leverage Fusion
ExpatKiwi wrote "Pegasus: Book 11 - Way Beyond and A New Beginning, Chapters 32 and 33" K+, Firefly/Battlestar Galactica
Blue Neutrino wrote "Hell Unleashed, Chapters 1-3" T, Firefly/Aliens
Nemain of the Water wrote "The Clubhouse" FR13, Firefly/Thor
Rinkafic wrote "Turning the Tables" T+, Firefly/Stargate: Atlantis: Mal/Zoe, Evan/Lorne

overkill_max wrote "The Final Death Eater, Parts 9-11" T, Glee/Harry Potter: Brittany/Santana, Quinn/Rachel

Harry Potter
overkill_max wrote "The Final Death Eater, Parts 9-11" T, Glee/Harry Potter: Brittany/Santana, Quinn/Rachel

Sunbird Riding Shotgun wrote "A Long Way from Orion, Chapter 2" T, Firefly/Leverage Fusion

Marvel Comics
darthbatgirl wrote "His Thieving Ways, Part 2" PG, DC/Marvel: Remy/Tim

Sarah Jane Adventures
averita wrote "Secrets and Stars" G, Sarah Jane Adventures/Battlestar Galactica

Star Trek: The Next Generation
rapfic wrote "Going Forward, Part 21" NR, Battlestar Galactica/Star Trek: TNG

Stargate: Atlantis
Rinkafic wrote "Turning the Tables" T+, Firefly/Stargate: Atlantis: Mal/Zoe, Evan/Lorne

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
inspectorboxer wrote "No Rest for the Wicked, Part 29" NR, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles/Firefly: River/Sarah, Zoe/Inara

Nemain of the Water wrote "The Clubhouse" FR13, Firefly/Thor

Note: Please consider joining as an editor for crossover_news. If you are interested in compiling our Thursday edition (posting the newsletter on Friday), please leave a comment on any issue.

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

marvel comics, buffy, alien, supernatural, battlestar galactica, dc comics, stargate: atlantis, star trek: tng, glee, harry potter, sarah jane adventures, leverage, thor, terminator (tv), ncis, firefly

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