Volume 006, Issue 230

Sep 27, 2011 07:39

This issue covers September 26 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


Multifandom (4 or more, listed only once)
elleyezee wrote "Reunion, Chapter 1" FRT, BtVS - AtS Ensemble/Dollhouse/Bones/HIMYM/Ringer/Torchwood

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
kerkevik wrote "Reapers; Friends and Thieves" FRT, Buffy/Dead Like Me
darkwyldchilde wrote "Hunting Tigers, Chapter 26" NC-17, NCIS/Buffy/Angel/Executioner: Abby/Ziva, Faith/Tara, Buffy/Angel
brimstonegold and virtualpersonal wrote "Running on Empty, Chapter 11" FRAO, SPN/BtVS: Spike/Dean
lash_larue wrote "Fading Dawn, Chapter 15" FRM, Buffy/Harry Potter: Dawn/Faith, Buffy/Willow

Dead Like Me
goddessofbirth wrote "Fate, Chapter 10" M, Firefly/Chronicles of Riddick: Riddick/River

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
kerkevik wrote "Reapers; Friends and Thieves" FRT, Buffy/Dead Like Me

Doctor Who
Mr. Muse 29 wrote "Things I've Done, Chapter 1" T, Firefly/Doctor Who

goddessofbirth wrote "Fate, Chapter 10" M, Firefly/Chronicles of Riddick: Riddick/River
Mr. Muse 29 wrote "Things I've Done, Chapter 1" T, Firefly/Doctor Who
Nightmarish Shadow wrote "Serenity, Chapter 3" T, Firefly/Sherlock

elfinessy wrote "The Lambs and the Lions" Part 1 and Part 2 NC-17, Haven/X-Men: Charles/Erik, Duke/Nathan

Harry Potter
dreamwind83 wrote " Ark and the Desert, Prologue" NC-17, ST XI/Harry Potter: Harry Potter/Leonard McCoy, Kirk/Spock, Uhura/Scotty, Snape/Sarek
lash_larue wrote "Fading Dawn, Chapter 15" FRM, Buffy/Harry Potter: Dawn/Faith, Buffy/Willow

moragmacpherson wrote "The Call" PG-13, Inception/Supernatural: Arthur/Eames

Lie to Me
emmademarais wrote "Spy, Lies and Videotape" PG-13, Numb3rs/Lie to Me

Life on Mars
draegonhawke wrote "Balance, Part 1" PG-13, Life on Mars/Torchwood

Marvel Comics
darkwyldchilde wrote "Hunting Tigers, Chapter 26" NC-17, NCIS/Buffy/Angel/Executioner: Abby/Ziva, Faith/Tara, Buffy/Angel

sunryder wrote "Wrapped Up in Death, Part 1" PG-13, NCIS/X-Men: Xavier/Magneto
darkwyldchilde wrote "Hunting Tigers, Chapter 26" NC-17, NCIS/Buffy/Angel/Executioner: Abby/Ziva, Faith/Tara, Buffy/Angel

emmademarais wrote "Spy, Lies and Videotape" PG-13, Numb3rs/Lie to Me

jedibuttercup wrote "Enemy of My Enemies" PG-13, Stargate Atlantis/Predator

Nightmarish Shadow wrote "Serenity, Chapter 3" T, Firefly/Sherlock

Silent Hill
nicole9514 wrote "Supernatural: Silent Hill, Chapter 5" R, Supernatural/Silent Hill

sarja wrote "New Beginnings Bring Battles" M, X-Men/Smallville: Logan/Chloe

Star Trek
dreamwind83 wrote " Ark and the Desert, Prologue" NC-17, ST XI/Harry Potter: Harry Potter/Leonard McCoy, Kirk/Spock, Uhura/Scotty, Snape/Sarek

Stargate Atlantis
jedibuttercup wrote "Enemy of My Enemies" PG-13, Stargate Atlantis/Predator

nicole9514 wrote "Supernatural: Silent Hill, Chapter 5" R, Supernatural/Silent Hill
moragmacpherson wrote "The Call" PG-13, Inception/Supernatural: Arthur/Eames
brimstonegold and virtualpersonal wrote "Running on Empty, Chapter 11" FRAO, SPN/BtVS: Spike/Dean

draegonhawke wrote "Balance, Part 1" PG-13, Life on Mars/Torchwood

sunryder wrote "Wrapped Up in Death, Part 1" PG-13, NCIS/X-Men: Xavier/Magneto
sarja wrote "New Beginnings Bring Battles" M, X-Men/Smallville: Logan/Chloe
elfinessy wrote "The Lambs and the Lions" Part 1 and Part 2 NC-17, Haven/X-Men: Charles/Erik, Duke/Nathan

Note: Please consider joining as an editor for crossover_news. If you are interested in compiling our Thursday edition (posting the newsletter on Friday), please leave a comment on any issue.

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

marvel comics, silent hill, inception, chronicles of riddick, buffy, supernatural, life on mars, lie to me, how i met your mother, x-men, ringer, star trek: reboot, torchwood, doctor who, numb3rs, stargate: atlantis, dead like me, haven, smallville, harry potter, dollhouse, bones, predator, sherlock, ncis, firefly

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