Volume 006, Issue 205

Aug 30, 2011 05:59

This issue covers August 29 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


Buffy the Vampire Slayer
mmooch wrote "Father, Not Watcher" FR-13, BtVS/Calvin & Hobbes
beri_fanfic wrote "One Who Is Worthy" G, BtVS/Thor (movie)
beri_fanfic wrote "Recruiting" G, BtVS/Full House
kerrykhat wrote "This Déjà Vu Feeling" PG, Buffy/Smallville
avamclean wrote "The Whiskey Diary" FR-13, BtVS/Supernatural
twisted_slinky wrote "Riding in Cars With Boys" FR-13, Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
koohii_cafe wrote "Favors" FR7, BtVS/Stargate SG-1
patriciatepes wrote "Houseguest" FR13, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Castlevania
jerseyfabulous wrote "Miss Demeanor" FR13, Buffy/NCSI
indraleigh wrote "Clark and Xander in the bank while it's getting robbed" FR-13, BtVS/Lois and Clark the Adventures of Superman
jedibuttercup wrote "Desperate Measures" PG-15, Buffy/Falling Skies

black-sluggard wrote "Black Edelweiss, Chapter 4" R, Castle/Heroes: Ryan/Esposito

patriciatepes wrote "Houseguest" FR13, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Castlevania

Comics, General
mmooch wrote "Father, Not Watcher" FR-13, BtVS/Calvin & Hobbes

Dresden Files
sunsaralyn wrote "Scion of the Merlin" T+, NCIS/Dresden Files: Gibbs/DiNozzo

Falling Skies
jedibuttercup wrote "Desperate Measures" PG-15, Buffy/Falling Skies

Full House
beri_fanfic wrote "Recruiting" G, BtVS/Full House

black-sluggard wrote "Black Edelweiss, Chapter 4" R, Castle/Heroes: Ryan/Esposito

Lois and Clark
indraleigh wrote "Clark and Xander in the bank while it's getting robbed" FR-13, BtVS/Lois and Clark the Adventures of Superman

Marvel Comics
bookspazz wrote "Not Giving Up, Part 1" PG, Marvel Comics/Murdoch Mysteries: Charles/Erik

Murdoch Mysteries
bookspazz wrote "Not Giving Up, Part 1" PG, Marvel Comics/Murdoch Mysteries: Charles/Erik

sunsaralyn wrote "Scion of the Merlin" T+, NCIS/Dresden Files: Gibbs/DiNozzo

Pirates of the Caribbean
oneiriad wrote "They Say" PG-13, Pirates of the Caribbean/Supernatural: Teague/Gabriel

kerrykhat wrote "This Déjà Vu Feeling" PG, Buffy/Smallville

Stargate SG-1
koohii_cafe wrote "Favors" FR7, BtVS/Stargate SG-1

oneiriad wrote "They Say" PG-13, Pirates of the Caribbean/Supernatural: Teague/Gabriel
avamclean wrote "The Whiskey Diary" FR-13, BtVS/Supernatural
twisted_slinky wrote "Riding in Cars With Boys" FR-13, Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer

beri_fanfic wrote "One Who Is Worthy" G, BtVS/Thor (movie)

Note: We are looking for an additional editor for crossover_news. If you are interested in being an editor for our Thursday edition (posting the newsletter on Friday), please leave a comment on any issue.

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

marvel comics, pirates of the caribbean, lois & clark, buffy, comics (gen), smallville, supernatural, thor, castle, heroes, ncis, stargate: sg-1, tv (gen), dresden files, game (gen)

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