Volume 003, Issue 054

Aug 01, 2008 16:30

Volume 003, Issue 054
This issue covers July 31st in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

sanadafaye posted multifandom wallpapers (Nostalgia, Serendipity, Felicity, Utopia)

jlrpuck wrote "And So Things Go" Chapter 10, T, Doctor Who/Blackpool: Rose Tyler/Peter Carlisle

st_aurafina wrote "The Tooth in the Fairy", PG, Bones/House MD: Brennan/Cameron

Buffy:The Vampire Slayer:
rivestra wrote "Limerence", NC-17, Supernatural/BtVS: Dean/Faith/Sam
susangel wrote "Just Thinking", T, BtVS/Supernatural, Sam/Faith
dettiot wrote "Two Losses", PG, Doctor Who/BtVS

The Chronicles of Narnia
paperclipbitch wrote "Threads that are Golden Don't Break Easily", PG-13, Torchwood/Chronicles of Narnia: Susan/Caspian, Jack/Diggory

Dark Angel:
insomnia_geek wrote "Triple Your Pleasures", NC-17, Supernatural/Dark Angel: Dean/Sam/Alec
lori_leaf wrote "When I Find Myself in Times of Trouble", PG, Supernatural/Dark Angel

Devil May Cry
wolfalice wrote "All the Way to Hell", PG-13, Devil May Cry/Hellsing

Doctor Who:
anonymous wrote "Dreams and Nightmares", G, Doctor Who/Harry Potter
jlrpuck wrote "And So Things Go" Chapter 10, T, Doctor Who/Blackpool: Rose Tyler/Peter Carlisle
dettiot wrote "Two Losses", PG, Doctor Who/BtVS
astrogirl2 wrote "Never a Dull Moment", G, Doctor Who/SG-1

Dresden Files
aeron_lanart wrote "Anachronistic and Impulsive", PG, Dresden Files/Highlander

Grosse Point Blank
smeagol92055 wrote "Grosse Point Professional", PG, Grosse Point Blank/The Professional

Harry Potter
anonymous wrote "Dreams and Nightmares", G, Doctor Who/Harry Potter

wolfalice wrote "All the Way to Hell", PG-13, Devil May Cry/Hellsing

strangevisitor7 wrote "Not Going Home", 2/2, PG. Highlander/Supernatural
aeron_lanart wrote "Anachronistic and Impulsive", PG, Dresden Files/Highlander
karrenia_rune wrote "Multiple Birds With One Stone", G, SG-1/Highlander

st_aurafina wrote "The Tooth in the Fairy", PG, Bones/House MD: Brennan/Cameron

flareonfury wrote "Proving It", R, Ironman/Smallville: Tony/girl!Clark

The Professional
smeagol92055 wrote "Grosse Point Professional", PG, Grosse Point Blank/The Professional

divas_lament wrote "The Meeting", PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville
ellanorasedai wrote "Chloe's Heart", Part 5, R, Smallville/Supernatural: Chloe/Dean
flareonfury wrote "Proving It", R, Ironman/Smallville: Tony/girl!Clark

Stargate Atlantis & Stargate SG-1:
astrogirl2 wrote "Never a Dull Moment", G, Doctor Who/SG-1
karrenia_rune wrote "Multiple Birds With One Stone", G, SG-1/Highlander

divas_lament wrote "The Meeting", PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville
strangevisitor7 wrote "Not Going Home", 2/2, PG. Highlander/Supernatural
rivestra wrote "Limerence", NC-17, Supernatural/BtVS: Dean/Faith/Sam
susangel wrote "Just Thinking", T, BtVS/Supernatural, Sam/Faith
insomnia_geek wrote "Triple Your Pleasures", NC-17, Supernatural/Dark Angel: Dean/Sam/Alec
lori_leaf wrote "When I Find Myself in Times of Trouble", PG, Supernatural/Dark Angel
ellanorasedai wrote "Chloe's Heart", Part 5, R, Smallville/Supernatural: Chloe/Dean

paperclipbitch wrote "Threads that are Golden Don't Break Easily", PG-13, Torchwood/Chronicles of Narnia: Susan/Caspian, Jack/Diggory

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

the professional, devil may cry, buffy, hellsing, supernatural, house m.d., iron man, stargate: sg-1, blackpool, dresden files, torchwood, doctor who, grosse point blank, smallville, harry potter, dark angel, highlander, bones, chronicles of narnia

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