Volume 006, Issue 150

Jun 30, 2011 00:29

This issue covers June 29 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

smokeandsong created graphics for politeoffensive | Angel/Buffy/Supernatural
smokeandsong created graphics for iluvroadrunner6 | Angel/Buffy/Supernatural, Charmed/Supernatural

Other Announcements
plentyofroom, a panfandom game based around Hotel California by The Eagles
journeystory, multifandom journey big bang
femslash-today hosting Fireworks 11, The [Totally Not] Annual femslash_today Porn Battle


hezio2 wrote Could Have Had It All, Ch 1 | PG13 | Buffy/Supernatural | Dean/Buffy, Sam/Dawn, Willow/Oz, Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya
flareonfury wrote Losing Control | PG13 | Buffy/Glee | Quinn/Spike
Spikedluv wrote Immortals in Sunnydale | NC17 | Buffy/Highlander | Duncan MacLeod/Methos, Willow Rosenberg/Spike, Xander Harris/Anya Jenkins

Doctor Who
flareonfury wrote Too Late | PG | Doctor Who/Glee | Quinn/Doctor

Dragonsteamfan wrote Bones of The Reaper | R | Doom/Star Trek: Reboot | Gen

flareonfury wrote Too Late | PG | Doctor Who/Glee | Quinn/Doctor
flareonfury wrote Losing Control | PG13 | Buffy/Glee | Quinn/Spike

SharpestRose wrote Into The Void | G | Firefly/Social Network | Gen

Spikedluv wrote Immortals in Sunnydale | NC17 | Buffy/Highlander | Duncan MacLeod/Methos, Willow Rosenberg/Spike, Xander Harris/Anya Jenkins

darkmagic-luvr wrote Interlude | PG13 | Merlin/Warehouse 13 | Merlin/Claudia

Movie (gen)
SharpestRose wrote Into The Void | G | Firefly/Social Network | Gen

Star Trek: Reboot
Dragonsteamfan wrote Bones of The Reaper | R | Doom/Star Trek: Reboot | Gen

hezio2 wrote Could Have Had It All, Ch 1 | PG13 | Buffy/Supernatural | Dean/Buffy, Sam/Dawn, Willow/Oz, Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya
roselani24 wrote Secrets in Shadow | G | Supernatural/White Collar | Gen

Warehouse 13
darkmagic-luvr wrote Interlude | PG13 | Merlin/Warehouse 13 | Merlin/Claudia

White Collar
roselani24 wrote Secrets in Shadow | G | Supernatural/White Collar | Gen

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

doctor who, white collar, glee, buffy, warehouse 13, movie (gen), merlin, supernatural, highlander, doom (movie), charmed, star trek: reboot, firefly, angel

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