Volume 003, Issue 049

Jul 28, 2008 02:41

Volume 003, Issue 049
This issue covers July 26th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

gogo_didi posted 6 icons: Discworld/Torchwood

dhfreak posted art: Buffy/Sarah Connor Chronicles; Dawn/Derek

Current Challenges:

dcmarvelthon is open for prompts.

Other Announcements:

hearts_andminds is a pan fandom RPG looking for players.

hermione_edward is a community for Hermione Granger/Edward Cullen (Harry Potter/Twilight)

hermionexover is a community for crossovers featuring Hermione Granger from Harry Potter



Babylon 5:
celievamp wrote Awaiting Your Order: Mature, BSG/Babylon 5: Starbuck/Ivanova, Starbuck/Cain, Ivanova/Talia

Back to the Future:
mimfish wrote Think Fourth Dimensionally, Part 5/6: G, Doctor Who/Back to the Future III: Ten, Rose, Doc Brown, Marty

Battlestar Galactica:
geonncannon wrote Command/Conquer: NC17, BSG/SG-1: Kara/Sam Carter
celievamp wrote Awaiting Your Order: Mature, BSG/Babylon 5: Starbuck/Ivanova, Starbuck/Cain, Ivanova/Talia
wisdomeagle wrote Twitch, Shiver, Switch: NC17, BSG/NCIS: Laura Roslin/Abby Scuito
disturbed_muse wrote Not Quite Insignificant: R, BSG/Ender's Game: Natalie/Jane
millari wrote Impulse Control: NC17, Ironman/BSG: Tony/Gaeta

Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
laney_1974 wrote Heroics, Part 48/55: R, Buffy/SG-1
bassair wrote Vampires, Demons and Torchwood, Oh My!, Part 11a/?: PG13, Torchwood/Buffy: Jack/Ianto, Spike/Buffy, Willow/Tosh, Xander/Anya
thehighwaywoman wrote Razor-Wire Shrine: NC17, Buffy/SPN, Sam/Faith/Dean

Dark Angel:
insomnia_geek wrote Burning For a Taste of You: NC17, SPN/Dark Angel: Sam/Alec
minkmix wrote Ripple Effect, Part 11/?: PG, Dark Angel/SPN

Doctor Who:
scarfman wrote Finders Keepers, Part 1/5: PG, Doctor Who/X-Files: the Doctor, Mulder, Scully
dwcrossmod wrote Invictus: G, Doctor Who/Harry Potter: The Doctor (First), Sirius Black
treblebeth wrote Dunder Mifflin, This Is Rose, Part 1/4: PG, Doctor Who/Office: Ten/Rose
mimfish wrote Think Fourth Dimensionally, Part 5/6: G, Doctor Who/Back to the Future III: Ten, Rose, Doc Brown, Marty
rodlox wrote God Save the Closed Loop: PG13, Foyle's War/Doctor Who: Sam, Milner, Foyle, Doctor
mysterious_daze wrote Stars Collide: FRT13, BtVS/Doctor Who: Xander, Rose, Nine

Ender's Game:
disturbed_muse wrote Not Quite Insignificant: R, BSG/Ender's Game: Natalie/Jane

Foyle's War:
rodlox wrote God Save the Closed Loop: PG13, Foyle's War/Doctor Who: Sam, Milner, Foyle, Doctor

Harry Potter:
dwcrossmod wrote Invictus: G, Doctor Who/Harry Potter: The Doctor (First), Sirius Black

Iron Man:
nephthys101 wrote Love in an Elevator: NC17, SPN/Ironman: Dean/Tony Stark
millari wrote Impulse Control: NC17, Ironman/BSG: Tony/Gaeta

sailorhathor wrote There's a Flagpole Rag and the Wind Won't Stop: NC17, SPN/Miracles: Girl!Dean/Sam
sailorhathor wrote Unspoken 1-4: NC17, SPN/Miracles: Dean Winchester/Paul Callan

wisdomeagle wrote Twitch, Shiver, Switch: NC17, BSG/NCIS: Laura Roslin/Abby Scuito

The Office:
treblebeth wrote Dunder Mifflin, This Is Rose, Part 1/4: PG, Doctor Who/Office: Ten/Rose

sweeteen_200 wrote I Dare You: PG, Smallville/SPN: Chloe/Sam
divas_lament wrote Endure, Part I: PG13, Smallville/SPN
divas_lament wrote Endure, Part II: PG13, Smallville/SPN

Stargate SG-1:
geonncannon wrote Command/Conquer: NC17, BSG/SG-1: Kara/Sam Carter
laney_1974 wrote Heroics, Part 48/55: R, Buffy/SG-1

Studio 60:
amidalashari wrote Sunset Boulevard: PG13, Studio 60/West Wing: Ginger/Jeannie

sweeteen_200 wrote I Dare You: PG, Smallville/SPN: Chloe/Sam
nephthys101 wrote Love in an Elevator: NC17, SPN/Iron Man: Dean/Tony Stark
divas_lament wrote Endure, Part I: PG13, Smallville/SPN
divas_lament wrote Endure, Part II: PG13, Smallville/SPN
sailorhathor wrote There's a Flagpole Rag and the Wind Won't Stop: NC17, SPN/Miracles: Girl!Dean/Sam
sailorhathor wrote Unspoken 1-4: NC17, SPN/Miracles: Dean Winchester/Paul Callan
insomnia_geek wrote Burning For a Taste of You: NC17, SPN/Dark Angel: Sam/Alec
minkmix wrote Ripple Effect, Part 11/?: PG, Dark Angel/SPN
thehighwaywoman wrote Razor-Wire Shrine: NC17, Buffy/SPN, Sam/Faith/Dean

bassair wrote Vampires, Demons and Torchwood, Oh My!, Part 11a/?: PG13, Torchwood/Buffy: Jack/Ianto, Spike/Buffy, Willow/Tosh, Xander/Anya

The West Wing:
amidalashari wrote Sunset Boulevard: PG13, Studio 60/West Wing: Ginger/Jeannie

scarfman wrote Finders Keepers, Part 1/5: PG, Doctor Who/X-Files: the Doctor, Mulder, Scully

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

(Sorry for the tardiness; I was at Comic-Con!)

babylon 5, buffy, supernatural, back to the future, miracles, iron man, stargate: sg-1, ender's verse, torchwood, battlestar galactica, doctor who, studio 60 on the sunset strip, smallville, harry potter, west wing, dark angel, foyle's war, x-files, ncis

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