This issue covers April 8th in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!
milerna posted
Untitled Vid | NR | Supernatural/Nikita | Gen
Current Challenges:
Other Announcements
bones_news is looking for a few good fans! If you're interested in becoming an editor, check out
this post!crossbigbang has up it's reminder for
Checkpoint #3! ************************************
partly wrote
Serendipity | PG | Bones/White Collar | Gen
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
lunabee34 wrote
Haven in a Heartless World | PG-13 | Buffy/Firefly | Giles/Jayne
The Chronicles of Riddick
iamaslashaddict wrote
Fade Into Darkness 4/7 | R | TCofR/Harry Potter | Riddick/Harry, Remus/Sirius
Sharrona Myles wrote
Earth That Was chapters 48-50 | T | Firefly/Supernatural | Gen
dreamlittleyo wrote
Ride Until We Fall | T | Firefly/Supernatural | Mal/Jo Harvelle
dreamlittleyo wrote
Lookin' for a Place to Land | T | Firefly/Supernatural | Mal/Jo Harvelle
dreamlittleyo wrote
Even the Rain | T | Firefly/Supernatural | Mal/Jo Harvelle
dreamlittleyo wrote
Sweepin' Low Across the Plains | T | Firefly/Supernatural | Mal/Jo Harvelle
lunabee34 wrote
Haven in a Heartless World | PG-13 | Buffy/Firefly | Giles/Jayne
Harry Potter
hells_half_acre wrote
To Being Half a Person | PG-13 | Harry Potter/Supernatural | Gen
iamaslashaddict wrote
Fade Into Darkness 4/7 | R | TCofR/Harry Potter | Riddick/Harry, Remus/Sirius
Hawaii Five-0
loveinadoorway wrote
The End is All That's Ever True 1/? | NC-17 | Hawaii Five-0/Supernatural | Steve/Dean, Steve/Danny
tigriswolf wrote
We Thought We'd Live Forever | PG-13 | Highlander.White Collar | Peter/Elizabeth, Neal/Methos
penumbra wrote
The Black River | PG | Merlin/Smallville | Gen
penumbra wrote
The Black River | PG | Merlin/Smallville | Gen
emeraldsnakes wrote
Awake My Soul | PG-13 | SG-1/Supernatural | Sheppard/Mitchell, Jack/Daniel
emeraldsnakes wrote
Awake My Soul | PG-13 | SG-1/Supernatural | Sheppard/Mitchell, Jack/Daniel
elpin wrote
Supernatural Blood | PG | Supernatural/True Blood | Sam/Eric
Sharrona Myles wrote
Earth That Was chapters 48-50 | T | Firefly/Supernatural | Gen
dreamlittleyo wrote
Ride Until We Fall | T | Firefly/Supernatural | Mal/Jo Harvelle
dreamlittleyo wrote
Lookin' for a Place to Land | T | Firefly/Supernatural | Mal/Jo Harvelle
dreamlittleyo wrote
Even the Rain | T | Firefly/Supernatural | Mal/Jo Harvelle
dreamlittleyo wrote
Sweepin' Low Across the Plains | T | Firefly/Supernatural | Mal/Jo Harvelle
loveinadoorway wrote
The End is All That's Ever True 1/? | NC-17 | Hawaii Five-0/Supernatural | Steve/Dean, Steve/Danny
hells_half_acre wrote
To Being Half a Person | PG-13 | Harry Potter/Supernatural | Gen
True Blood
elpin wrote
Supernatural Blood | PG | Supernatural/True Blood | Sam/Eric
White Collar
partly wrote
Serendipity | PG | Bones/White Collar | Gen
tigriswolf wrote
We Thought We'd Live Forever | PG-13 | Highlander.White Collar | Peter/Elizabeth, Neal/Methos
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
~Your editor,