Issue 005, Volume 329

Dec 22, 2010 16:22

This issue covers December 21 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

nenimefish posted Tabby makes this look easy G| Merlin/Harry Potter


Alice in Wonderland (2010)
mellifluous_ink wrote "What Would Become of You?"  PG-13/T/TV14/15 | Alice in Wonderland (2010)/Sherlock (BBC)| Ship or Gen

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
jedibuttercup wrote " The Definition of Damsel" | PG-13 |BTVS/Stargate SG-1 | Gen
Kaela wrote I'm Here to Tell You About My Dream"  | FR21| BTVS/Firefly| Gen

Doctor Who
scarfman wrote " A Bit of a Mystery" | PG-13 | Eureka/Mummy 3| Evie O'Connell/Rick O'Connell

virkatjol wrote " From the Sky" | NC-17 | Farscape/Legend of the Seeker | Richard/Kahlan, John Crichton/Aeryn Sun

Kaela wrote "I'm Here to Tell You About My Dream"  | FR21| BTVS/Firefly| Gen

Friday Night Lights 
elzed wrote " A Sort of Homecoming" | NC-17 | Friday Night Lights/Supernatural| Sam Winchester/Tyra Collete, Sam/Jess, Sam Winchester/Tyra Collete/Tim Riggins

pada_something wrote " It Takes a Mess to Know a Mess" | PG | Glee/One Tree Hill| Gen

Harry Potter
immovinout wrote " Confundus" | PG | Harry Potter/Sherlock (BBC)| John/Sherlock  
k155_me wrote " Supermassive Black Hole"  | NC-17 | Harry Potter/Star Wars| LV/HP

The Fairy with the Deerstalker wrote Elementary, My Dear MacLeod " | PG-13 | Highlander/Sherlock (BBC) | Gen

His Dark Materials
snake_easing wrote " Human Nature" | PG-13 | His Dark Materials/Sherlock (BBC)| Holmes/Watson, Holmes/Moriarty

Justice League
iluvaqt  wrote " Our Time"  | PG | Justice League/Smallville | Chloe/Alt. Lex Luthor

Legend of the Seeker 
virkatjolvirkatjol  wrote " From the Sky"  | NC-17 | Farscape/Legend of the Seeker | Richard/Kahlan, John Crichton/Aeryn Sun

fengirl88 wrote " Sleeper"  | PG-13 | Maurice/Sherlock (BBC)| Maurice/Lestrade

finnishsphinx  wrote "New Beginnings and Old Endings, Ch. 9" | PG | The Mentalist/SGA| Evan Lorne/Patrick Jane

The Mummy
jedibuttercup wrote " A Bit of a Mystery | PG-13 | Eureka/Mummy 3| Evie O'Connell/Rick O'Connell

One Tree Hill 
pada_something wrote " It Takes a Mess to Know a Mess" | PG | Glee/One Tree Hill| Gen

Sherlock (BBC)
mellifluous_ink wrote "What Would Become of You?"  PG-13/T/TV14/15 | Alice in Wonderland (2010)/Sherlock (BBC)| Ship or Gen  
immovinout  wrote " Confundus"  | PG | Harry Potter/Sherlock (BBC)| John/Sherlock
The Fairy with the Deerstalker wrote  " Elementary, My Dear MacLeod " | PG-13 | Highlander/Sherlock (BBC) | Gen
fengirl88 wrote " Sleeper"  | PG-13 | Maurice/Sherlock (BBC)| Maurice/Lestrade

iluvaqt wrote " Our Time"  | PG | Justice League/Smallville | Chloe/Alt. Lex Luthor

Stargate SG-1/Atlantis 
 finnishsphinx  wrote "New Beginnings and Old Endings, Ch. 9" | PG | The Mentalist/SGA| Evan Lorne/Patrick Jane
tari_roo wrote " Here Tomorrow Gone Today, Part 3/3"  | PG | SGA/SPN| Gen  
jedibuttercup  wrote " The Definition of Damsel" | PG-13 |BTVS/Stargate SG-1 | Gen

Star Trek
scarfman  wrote " The Secret of Sihpis (2/4)"  | PG | Doctor Who/Star Trek| Gen

Star Wars 
k155_me wrote " Supermassive Black Hole"  | NC-17 | Harry Potter/Star Wars| LV/HP

elzed  wrote " A Sort of Homecoming"  | NC-17 | Friday Night Lights/Supernatural| Sam Winchester/Tyra Collete, Sam/Jess, Sam Winchester/Tyra Collete/Tim Riggins  
tari_roo  wrote " Here Tomorrow Gone Today, Part 3/3" | PG | SGA/SPN| Gen

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

legend of the seeker, star trek: tos, buffy, merlin, supernatural, his dark materials, justice league, alice in wonderland, literature (gen), the mentalist, doctor who, star wars, farscape, glee, friday night lights, harry potter, highlander, one tree hill, the mummy, sherlock, firefly, eureka

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