This issue covers December 17th in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!
scarfman created
The Secret of Sihpis 1/4 Comic | PG | Docto Who/Star Trek | Gen
Current Challenges:
Other Announcements
btvswho is a Doctor Who/Buffy universes crossover RPG which is looking for a Sarah Jane and other characters.
Multifandom (stories with 4 or more fandoms listed only once)
scifichick774 wrote
Only the Beginning 1/6 | T | Star Trek, Firefly, Labyrinth, Psych, and Doctor Who, with minor references to Farscape, Highlander, and X-Men | Hermione/many
American Gods
gryphonrhi wrote
Shifting Shadows | NR | American Gods/Highlander | Gen
iluvaqt wrote
Christmas with the Waynes 1/2 Part 2 | R | Batman (DC Comics)/Smallville | Chloe/Bruce
Battlestar Galactica
bibliodragon wrote
On Starlit Wings 1-5/? | T | BSG/Temeraire | Gen
Blood Ties
gryphonrhi wrote
Night Wanderings | NR | Blood Ties/Highlander | Gen
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
telaryn wrote
Wishes Coming True | NC-17 | Buffy/Leverage | Eliot/Faith
rebcake wrote
Just a Couple of Misfits | PG-13 | Buffy/Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Gen
zowiebwalker wrote
The Sound of Drums 5B and 6/? | R | Buffy/Doctor Who | Spike/Xander
delphinepryde84 wrote
Mikey and Buffy 9/? | FRA13/T | Buffy/Supernatural | Lucifer/Michael
goddessofbirth wrote
Casey vs The Family Tree chapter 22 | M | Chuck/Firefly | River/Jayne
Doctor Who
lenozzedifigaro wrote
Highland Fling 22/?? | PG-13 | Doctor Who/Highlander | Ten/Donna/Duncan
aeron_lanart wrote
Room 57 | PG-13 | Torchwood/Highlander | Gen
zowiebwalker wrote
The Sound of Drums 5B and 6/? | R | Buffy/Doctor Who | Spike/Xander
caitri wrote
Fei Hua | PG | Star Trek XI/Firefly | Kaylee/Simon, Kirk/McCoy
goddessofbirth wrote
Casey vs The Family Tree chapter 22 | M | Chuck/Firefly | River/Jayne
Garrow's Law
joyful_molly wrote
Thin Ice 2/12 and 3/12 | PG-13 | PotC/Garrow's Law | Norrington/Gillette, Garrow/Sarah, Jones/Jasker
goddesspharo wrote
Single-Serving Life | NR | Glee/Iron Man | Pepper/Holly
slacker_d wrote
Just Another Revival | R | Glee/Transmetropolitan | Rachel/Quinn
Harry Potter
iamaslashaddict wrote
Animalis 5/5 | NC-17 | Harry Potter/Pitchblack | Riddick/Harry
tryfanstone wrote
Fencing | PG | Highlander/Ocean's 11 | Gen
idontlikegravy wrote
Fancy Seeing You Here | PG-13 | Highlander/Nikolai Dante | Amanda/Nikolai Dante
idontlikegravy wrote
A Quiet Night | PG-13 | Highlander/Pirates of the Caribbean | Gen
lenozzedifigaro wrote
Highland Fling 22/?? | PG-13 | Doctor Who/Highlander | Ten/Donna/Duncan
aeron_lanart wrote
Room 57 | PG-13 | Torchwood/Highlander | Gen
gryphonrhi wrote
Essential: Beer and Coffee | NR | Highlander/SG-1 | Gen
gryphonrhi wrote
Mentors | NR | Highlander/SGA | Gen
gryphonrhi wrote
Night Wanderings | NR | Blood Ties/Highlander | Gen
gryphonrhi wrote
Right Place, Wrong Thief | NR | Highlander/White Collar | Gen
gryphonrhi wrote
Shifting Shadows | NR | American Gods/Highlander | Gen
gryphonrhi wrote
Time and Tactics | NR | Highlander/SG-1 | Gen
aeron_lanart wrote
Illumination | G | Highlander/Merlin | Gen
Iron Man
goddesspharo wrote
Single-Serving Life | NR | Glee/Iron Man | Pepper/Holly
telaryn wrote
Wishes Coming True | NC-17 | Buffy/Leverage | Eliot/Faith
aeron_lanart wrote
Illumination | G | Highlander/Merlin | Gen
Nikolai Dante
idontlikegravy wrote
Fancy Seeing You Here | PG-13 | Highlander/Nikolai Dante | Amanda/Nikolai Dante
Ocean's 11
tryfanstone wrote
Fencing | PG | Highlander/Ocean's 11 | Gen
Pirates of the Caribbean
idontlikegravy wrote
A Quiet Night | PG-13 | Highlander/Pirates of the Caribbean | Gen
joyful_molly wrote
Thin Ice 2/12 and 3/12 | PG-13 | PotC/Garrow's Law | Norrington/Gillette, Garrow/Sarah, Jones/Jasker
danglingdingle wrote
The Outcome (John by Northwest 6/6) | PG-13 | PotC/BBC's Sherlock | John/Sherlock, Jack/Will
Pitch Black
iamaslashaddict wrote
Animalis 5/5 | NC-17 | Harry Potter/Pitchblack | Riddick/Harry
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
rebcake wrote
Just a Couple of Misfits | PG-13 | Buffy/Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Gen
madfoxzz wrote
The Facility 9/? | MA | Sanctuary/Warehouse 13 | Helen Magnus/OFC Myka/HG Wells
danglingdingle wrote
The Outcome (John by Northwest 6/6) | PG-13 | PotC/BBC's Sherlock | John/Sherlock, Jack/Will
iluvaqt wrote
Christmas with the Waynes 1/2 Part 2 | R | Batman (DC Comics)/Smallville | Chloe/Bruce
deliciousweird wrote
Secrets 4/? | NR | Smallville/Supernatural | Chloe/Sam
Star Trek
caitri wrote
Fei Hua | PG | Star Trek XI/Firefly | Kaylee/Simon, Kirk/McCoy
gryphonrhi wrote
Essential: Beer and Coffee | NR | Highlander/SG-1 | Gen
gryphonrhi wrote
Time and Tactics | NR | Highlander/SG-1 | Gen
gryphonrhi wrote
Mentors | NR | Highlander/SGA | Gen
deliciousweird wrote
Secrets 4/? | NR | Smallville/Supernatural | Chloe/Sam
delphinepryde84 wrote
Mikey and Buffy 9/? | FRA13/T | Buffy/Supernatural | Lucifer/Michael
bibliodragon wrote
On Starlit Wings 1-5/? | T | BSG/Temeraire | Gen
slacker_d wrote
Just Another Revival | R | Glee/Transmetropolitan | Rachel/Quinn
Warehouse 13
madfoxzz wrote
The Facility 9/? | MA | Sanctuary/Warehouse 13 | Helen Magnus/OFC Myka/HG Wells
White Collar
gryphonrhi wrote
Right Place, Wrong Thief | NR | Highlander/White Collar | Gen
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
Note: We are looking for a replacement editor for
crossover_news. If you are interested in being an editor for our Tuesday edition (posting the newsletter on Wednesday), please leave a comment on any newsletter.
~Your editor,