This issue covers December 3rd in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!
Multifandom (stories with 4 or more fandoms listed only once)
crackficcery wrote
What Dorothy Found There | T | Harry Potter/Torchwood/Doctor Who/Merlin | Dumbledore/Jack, Sirius/Lupin, Arthur/Merlin
An American Werewolf in London/Paris
sparrowsverse wrote
An American Werewolf in Denver (All Parts) | 14A | Magnificent Seven/An American Werewolf in London/Paris | Gen
Battlestar Galactica
virtualpersonal and
brimstonegold wrote
The Winning Scenario 16/?? | NC-17 | BSG/Supernatural | Dean/Sam
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
darkhavens wrote
It Ain't Kansas Either 2/? | R | Buffy/SGA | Xander/Spike Sheppard/McKay
Criminal Minds
jengrrl wrote
Immutable You | NR | Criminal Minds/Fringe | Olivia/Emily
Devil Wears Prada
quiethearted wrote
Deflection Chapter 11 | M | Devil Wears Prada/Star Trek: Voyager | Andy/Miranda, Janeway/Seven
Doctor Who
canaana wrote
Twice in a Lifetime | PG | Torchwood/NCIS | Gen
jengrrl wrote
Immutable You | NR | Criminal Minds/Fringe | Olivia/Emily
Harry Potter
koinaka wrote
Blood of the Father Prologue | T | Harry Potter/Supernatural | Gen
sentientcitizen wrote
The Adventure of the Improbable Lovers | PG-13 | Highlander/BBC's Sherlock | Gen
tigriswolf wrote
The Time of Youth was Fled | PG | Highlander/The Losers | Cougar/Jensen
The Losers
tigriswolf wrote
The Time of Youth was Fled | PG | Highlander/The Losers | Cougar/Jensen
Magnificent Seven
sparrowsverse wrote
An American Werewolf in Denver (All Parts) | 14A | Magnificent Seven/An American Werewolf in London/Paris | Gen
canaana wrote
Twice in a Lifetime | PG | Torchwood/NCIS | Gen
halfbloodme wrote
Healed | NC-17 | Sanctuary/Star Trek: Voyager | Helen/Janeway
sentientcitizen wrote
The Adventure of the Improbable Lovers | PG-13 | Highlander/BBC's Sherlock | Gen
iluvaqt wrote
Pick Your Poison | PG | Smallville/Vampire Diaries | Chloe/Damon
fonapola wrote
Crossing Kanas: Merging Generations | PG-13 | Smallville/Supernatural | Chloe/Dean
Star Trek
quiethearted wrote
Deflection Chapter 11 | M | Devil Wears Prada/Star Trek: Voyager | Andy/Miranda, Janeway/Seven
halfbloodme wrote
Healed | NC-17 | Sanctuary/Star Trek: Voyager | Helen/Janeway
darkhavens wrote
It Ain't Kansas Either 2/? | R | Buffy/SGA | Xander/Spike Sheppard/McKay
virtualpersonal and
brimstonegold wrote
The Winning Scenario 16/?? | NC-17 | BSG/Supernatural | Dean/Sam
fonapola wrote
Crossing Kanas: Merging Generations | PG-13 | Smallville/Supernatural | Chloe/Dean
koinaka wrote
Blood of the Father Prologue | T | Harry Potter/Supernatural | Gen
The Vampire Diaries
iluvaqt wrote
Pick Your Poison | PG | Smallville/Vampire Diaries | Chloe/Damon
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
Note: We are looking for a replacement editor for
crossover_news. If you are interested in being an editor for our Tuesday edition (posting the newsletter on Wednesday), please leave a comment on any newsletter.
~Your editor,