Volume 005, Issue 270

Oct 10, 2010 17:56

This issue covers October 9th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!


Multifandom (stories with 4 or more fandoms listed only once)
kerrykhat wrote Five Places Martha Never Hid With the Doctor | PG | Doctor Who/ Veronica Mars/ Star Trek XI/Sherlock Holmes/Merlin/Battlestar Galactica | Gen

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer

flareonfury wrote Loving a Vampire | PG-13 | Buffy/Smallville | Chloe/Angel(us), Spike/Buffy, Buffy/Angel


sameuspegasus wrote Chuck vs. the Fallen Angel 3/15 | PG | Chuck/Supernatural | Gen

DC Comics

iluvaqt wrote Black Orchid | R | Smallville/DC Comics | Chloe/Oliver, Chloe/Bart, Chloe/Bruce hinted, Dinah/Oliver

Doctor Who

Raven Aorla wrote Bereft, Be Rift, Be River | T | Firefly/Torchwood | Gen
teachwriteslash wrote Princes and Pawns | NC-17 | Torchwood/Highlander | Jack/Ianto, Duncan/Methos, Gwen/Rhys, Methos/Ianto


Fictional-Feather wrote Chasing Serenity | M | Firefly/Kingdom Hearts | Gen
Raven Aorla wrote Bereft, Be Rift, Be River | T | Firefly/Torchwood | Gen

The Ghostbusters

flareonfury wrote Loving a Ghostbuster | G | Ghostbusters/Smallville | Chloe/Eduardo, Kylie/Eduardo, Egon/Janine

Gilmore Girls

sidura wrote Dog Diner Afternoon 16/?? | PG-13 | Gilmore Girls/Supernatural | Gen

Good Omens

smiley_bandit wrote Fortune est Absolute 1/3 | R | Good Omens/Supernatural | Dean/Castiel, Gabriel/Crowley

Harry Potter

flareonfury wrote Loving a Werewolf | PG-13 | Harry Potter/Smallville | Remus/Chloe


teachwriteslash wrote Princes and Pawns | NC-17 | Torchwood/Highlander | Jack/Ianto, Duncan/Methos, Gwen/Rhys, Methos/Ianto

Kingdom Hearts

Fictional-Feather wrote Chasing Serenity | M | Firefly/Kingdom Hearts | Gen


phantisma wrote Six Ways to Sunday 3/? | NC-17 | Leverage/Supernatural | Dean/Eliot


justjeanette wrote The Cost of Divorce 11/? | NC-17 | NCIS/The Sentinel | Jim/Blair, Gibbs/DiNozzo

Sabrina the Teenage Witch

flareonfury wrote Loving a Witch | G | Smallville/Sabrina the Teenage Witch | Chloe/Salem

The Sentinel

justjeanette wrote The Cost of Divorce 11/? | NC-17 | NCIS/The Sentinel | Jim/Blair, Gibbs/DiNozzo


iluvaqt wrote Black Orchid | R | Smallville/DC Comics | Chloe/Oliver, Chloe/Bart, Chloe/Bruce hinted, Dinah/Oliver
flareonfury wrote Loving a Ghostbuster | G | Ghostbusters/Smallville | Chloe/Eduardo, Kylie/Eduardo, Egon/Janine
flareonfury wrote Loving a Werewolf | PG-13 | Harry Potter/Smallville | Remus/Chloe
flareonfury wrote Loving a Witch | G | Smallville/Sabrina the Teenage Witch | Chloe/Salem
flareonfury wrote Loving a Demon | PG | Smallville/Supernatural | Chloe/Crowley
flareonfury wrote Loving a Vampire | PG-13 | Buffy/Smallville | Chloe/Angel(us), Spike/Buffy, Buffy/Angel


sidura wrote Dog Diner Afternoon 16/?? | PG-13 | Gilmore Girls/Supernatural | Gen
sameuspegasus wrote Chuck vs. the Fallen Angel 3/15 | PG | Chuck/Supernatural | Gen
phantisma wrote Six Ways to Sunday 3/? | NC-17 | Leverage/Supernatural | Dean/Eliot
smiley_bandit wrote Fortune est Absolute 1/3 | R | Good Omens/Supernatural | Dean/Castiel, Gabriel/Crowley
flareonfury wrote Loving a Demon | PG | Smallville/Supernatural | Chloe/Crowley

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

gilmore girls, buffy, merlin, supernatural, star trek: reboot, kingdom hearts, torchwood, ghostbusters, sherlock holmes, battlestar galactica, dc comics, doctor who, the sentinel, good omens, chuck, smallville, harry potter, highlander, leverage, veronica mars, ncis, firefly

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