Volume 005, Issue 267

Oct 05, 2010 05:57

This issue covers October 4th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

milerna made Waking hour Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Dean/Faith


Addams Family
caz251 wrote "The Servant Of Death and The Sadist" Chapter 5, Chapter 6 and Epilogue PG-15, Addams Family/Torchwood: Owen Harper/Wednesday Addams

Battlestar Galactica
virtualpersonal and brimstonegold wrote "The Winning Scenario, Chapter 6" NC-17, SPN/Battlestar Galactica: Dean/Sam

sameuspegasus wrote "Chuck versus the Fallen Angel, Chapter 2" PG, Supernatural/Chuck
goddessofbirth wrote "Trust issues III, Casey vs. the Family Tree or Jayne Meets the Parents, Chapter 20" R, Firefly/Chuck, River/Jayne

Dark Angel
azuredragonlady wrote "Twilight Soldier, Chapter 1" T, Twilight/Dark Angel: Bella/Edward

DC Comics
sermocinare wrote "Nachtmahr" R, Watchman/Silent Hill

Devil Wears Prada
amles80 wrote "Fugitives, Part 3" PG, The Devil Wears Prada/Heroes

nebari_rebel wrote "The Minor Art of Politesse: A Vignette" PG-13, Farscape/Deep Space 9

mollivanders wrote "wander a while longer, pass these dying stars to serenity" PG-13, Firefly/Lost
goddessofbirth wrote "Trust issues III, Casey vs. the Family Tree or Jayne Meets the Parents, Chapter 20" R, Firefly/Chuck, River/Jayne

Gilmore Girls
sidura wrote "Dog Diner Afternoon, Chapter 14" PG-13, SPN/Gilmore Girls

Harry Potter
ladyprydian wrote "Torchwood File no. 646/1/6/06: Operation Blue Box; attempt no. 36/D" Adult, Torchwood/Harry Potter

amles80 wrote "Fugitives, Part 3" PG, The Devil Wears Prada/Heroes
sakura_no_mi wrote "Stronger" R, Supernatural/Heroes: Dean/Peter

mollivanders wrote "wander a while longer, pass these dying stars to serenity" PG-13, Firefly/Lost

caz251 wrote "Of Fantasies Interrupted and Fulfilled" PG-15, NCIS/Torchwood: Jack/Ianto, Gibbs/Tony
tigriswolf wrote "might have been and should be" PG, NCIS/White Collar: Tony/Neal

Silent Hill
sermocinare wrote "Nachtmahr" R, Watchman/Silent Hill

Star Trek: Deep Space 9
nebari_rebel wrote "The Minor Art of Politesse: A Vignette" PG-13, Farscape/Deep Space 9

sameuspegasus wrote "Chuck versus the Fallen Angel, Chapter 2" PG, Supernatural/Chuck
sidura wrote "Dog Diner Afternoon, Chapter 14" PG-13, SPN/Gilmore Girls
Battlestar Galactica
virtualpersonal and brimstonegold wrote "The Winning Scenario, Chapter 6" NC-17, SPN/Battlestar Galactica: Dean/Sam
sakura_no_mi wrote "Stronger" R, Supernatural/Heroes: Dean/Peter

caz251 wrote "The Servant Of Death and The Sadist" Chapter 5, Chapter 6 and Epilogue PG-15, Addams Family/Torchwood: Owen Harper/Wednesday Addams
caz251 wrote "Of Fantasies Interrupted and Fulfilled" PG-15, NCIS/Torchwood: Jack/Ianto, Gibbs/Tony
ladyprydian wrote "Torchwood File no. 646/1/6/06: Operation Blue Box; attempt no. 36/D" Adult, Torchwood/Harry Potter

azuredragonlady wrote "Twilight Soldier, Chapter 1" T, Twilight/Dark Angel: Bella/Edward

White Collar
tigriswolf wrote "might have been and should be" PG, NCIS/White Collar: Tony/Neal

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

gilmore girls, star trek: ds9, silent hill, twilight, buffy, supernatural, lost, torchwood, battlestar galactica, dc comics, white collar, farscape, devil wears prada, harry potter, chuck, dark angel, heroes, addams family, ncis, firefly

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