Volume 005, Issue 263

Oct 01, 2010 13:58

This issue covers September 30th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!


Avatar: The Last Airbender
andromeda3116 wrote You Can't Take the Sky From Me Ch 1-9/? | PG | Avatar: The Last Airbender/Firefly | Multiple Pairings

booster17c wrote Terror Nova chapter 23 | PG-13 | NCIS/Buffy | Gen
nwhepcat wrote Expecting to Fly chapter 28 | R | Supernatural/Buffy | Faith/Dean

Dark Angel
azuredragonlady wrote Twilight Soldier, Prologue | Teen | Twilight/Dark Angel | X5 Bella/Edward

Doctor Who
drabblewriter wrote Common Ground | G | Doctor Who/Supernatural | Sam/Ten

eustacia_vye28 wrote Beauty in the Breakdown Ch 2/3 | NC-17 | Inception/Firefly | Jayne/River
andromeda3116 wrote You Can't Take the Sky From Me Ch 1-9/? | PG | Avatar: The Last Airbender/Firefly | Multiple Pairings

Harry Potter
hells_half_acre wrote Vile Violent Vacations 20/? | PG-13 | Harry Potter/Supernatural | Gen

eustacia_vye28 wrote Beauty in the Breakdown Ch 2/3 | NC-17 | Inception/Firefly | Jayne/River

sasha_dragon wrote Damn Hurt/Comfort Writers! | PG-13 | White Collar/Leverage/Supernatural | Gen

booster17c wrote Terror Nova chapter 23 | PG-13 | NCIS/Buffy | Gen

blazoningpen wrote A Psychic Detective's Investigation in Wales (2/?) & (3/?) |Teen | Psych/Torchwood | Gen

Stargate: SG-1
sinisterx18 wrote
Crossing the Rift: AFfairs of Cardiff and the Kawoosh--Chapter 11
| PG-13 | Torchwood/SG1 | Gen

drabblewriter wrote Common Ground | G | Doctor Who/Supernatural | Sam/Ten
hells_half_acre wrote Vile Violent Vacations 20/? | PG-13 | Harry Potter/Supernatural | Gen
sasha_dragon wrote Damn Hurt/Comfort Writers! | PG-13 | White Collar/Leverage/Supernatural | Gen
nwhepcat wrote Expecting to Fly chapter 28 | R | Supernatural/Buffy | Faith/Dean

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
prochytes wrote Drabble: Special Ops Orphans | PG | T:SCC/Torchwood | Gen

sinisterx18 wrote
Crossing the Rift: AFfairs of Cardiff and the Kawoosh--Chapter 11
| PG-13 | Torchwood/SG1 | Gen
prochytes wrote Drabble: Special Ops Orphans | PG | T:SCC/Torchwood | Gen
blazoningpen wrote A Psychic Detective's Investigation in Wales (2/?) & (3/?) |Teen | Psych/Torchwood | Gen

azuredragonlady wrote Twilight Soldier, Prologue | Teen | Twilight/Dark Angel | X5 Bella/Edward

White Collar
sasha_dragon wrote Damn Hurt/Comfort Writers! | PG-13 | White Collar/Leverage/Supernatural | Gen

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

psych, inception, twilight, buffy, supernatural, stargate: sg-1, torchwood, doctor who, white collar, harry potter, dark angel, leverage, avatar: the last airbender, terminator (tv), ncis, firefly

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