Volume 005, Issue 243

Sep 08, 2010 09:04

Volume 005, Issue 243
This issue covers September 7th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!


All My Children
fab_fan wrote Potions, Dungeons, and Firewhiskey | PG13 | All My Children/Harry Potter | Frankie/Bianca

Angel the Series
yanzadracan wrote My Death of Thousand Cuts | PG | Angel/Leverage
shanachie_quill wrote Doublemint Chaos, 2/? | PG13 | Angel/Leverage

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
speakr2customrs wrote A Plague of Serpents, 6/? | R | Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir/Stargate SG-1/BtVS

Doctor Who
misaditas wrote Coextension | PG13 | Farscape/Doctor Who

Dresden Files
aescu wrote The Angel Was on Fire | PG13 | Supernatural/The Dresden Files/Hellblazer | Gen

misaditas wrote Coextension | PG13 | Farscape/Doctor Who

flareonfury wrote Moment in the Hallway | PG | Glee/Harry Potter | Hermione/Will
flareonfury wrote Test of the Holy Water | PG | Glee/Supernatural | Dean/Rachel
maria1229 wrote Run From It Or Learn From It | PG13 | South of Nowhere/Glee | Spencer/Ashley, Rachel/Quinn side Brittany/Santana, Glen/Kyla

Harry Potter
flareonfury wrote Moment in the Hallway | PG | Glee/Harry Potter | Hermione/Will
iamaslashaddict wrote Animalis, 3/5 | R | Pitch Black/Harry Potter | Riddick/Harry, Remus/Sirius
beth_mccombs wrote Arcanum 101, 24/? | NC17 | Torchwood/Harry Potter | Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Tosh, Harry/Draco, Hermione/Pansy, Neville/Ginny, Ron/Lavender, Blaise/Luna, John Hart
fab_fan wrote Potions, Dungeons, and Firewhiskey | PG13 | All My Children/Harry Potter | Frankie/Bianca

aescu wrote The Angel Was on Fire | PG13 | Supernatural/The Dresden Files/Hellblazer | Gen

savvierthanu wrote A Gentleman Will Walk But Never Run | NC17 | Inception/Star Trek XI | Kirk/McCoy/Eames

yanzadracan wrote My Death of Thousand Cuts | PG | Angel/Leverage
neensz wrote Full Circle 7/?, 8/?, 9/?, 10/?, 11/? | PG13 | Leverage/Psych | pre Eliot/Shawn
tigriswolf wrote Kirh and Kin | PG | Leverage/White Collar
shanachie_quill wrote Doublemint Chaos, 2/? | PG13 | Angel/Leverage

lilithrain wrote unnamed songfic drabbles | NR | Merlin/Supernatural | Merlin/Arthur/Sam/Dean

Neverwinter Nights
speakr2customrs wrote A Plague of Serpents, 6/? | R | Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir/Stargate SG-1/BtVS

Pitch Black
iamaslashaddict wrote Animalis, 3/5 | R | Pitch Black/Harry Potter | Riddick/Harry, Remus/Sirius

neensz wrote Full Circle 7/?, 8/?, 9/?, 10/?, 11/? | PG13 | Leverage/Psych | pre Eliot/Shawn

South of Nowhere
maria1229 wrote Run From It Or Learn From It | PG13 | South of Nowhere/Glee | Spencer/Ashley, Rachel/Quinn side Brittany/Santana, Glen/Kyla

speakr2customrs wrote A Plague of Serpents, 6/? | R | Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir/Stargate SG-1/BtVS

Star Trek
savvierthanu wrote A Gentleman Will Walk But Never Run | NC17 | Inception/Star Trek XI | Kirk/McCoy/Eames

flareonfury wrote Test of the Holy Water | PG | Glee/Supernatural | Dean/Rachel
lilithrain wrote unnamed songfic drabbles | NR | Merlin/Supernatural | Merlin/Arthur/Sam/Dean
aescu wrote The Angel Was on Fire | PG13 | Supernatural/The Dresden Files/Hellblazer | Gen

beth_mccombs wrote Arcanum 101, 24/? | NC17 | Torchwood/Harry Potter | Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Tosh, Harry/Draco, Hermione/Pansy, Neville/Ginny, Ron/Lavender, Blaise/Luna, John Hart

White Collar
tigriswolf wrote Kirh and Kin | PG | Leverage/White Collar

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

psych, inception, buffy, merlin, supernatural, stargate: sg-1, star trek: reboot, dresden files, torchwood, hellblazer, doctor who, farscape, white collar, glee, harry potter, all my children, chronicles of riddick: pitch black, leverage, south of nowhere, neverwinter nights, angel

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