Volume 005, Issue 204

Jul 24, 2010 16:47

This issue covers July 23rd in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!


milerna posted a video Last Word | Supernatural/Doctor Who | Dean/Rose




Current Challenges:


Other Announcements



Battlestar Galactica
scifiaddict86 wrote Life in the Black 1-5 | NR | Firefly/BSG | Gen

hunters_retreat wrote Jurisdiction | NR | NCIS/Bones | Tony/Booth

Buckaroo Bonzai
Omorka wrote The Paradox Principle | R | Firefly/Buckaroo Bonzai | Buckaroo Bonzai/Simon

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
nwhepcat wrote Expecting to Fly 5/? | R | Buffy/Supernatural | Dean/Faith
mute90 wrote Want | R | Buffy/Supernatural |Sam/Spike

sexycazzy wrote Lost & Found: Interlude Three | PG | CSI:NY/NCIS | Gibbs/Tony

Devil Wears Prada
punky_96 wrote A Different Time. A Different Princess 2/13 | PG-13 | The Devil Wears Prada/Pan's Labyrinth | Andy/Miranda

Doctor Who
idontlikegravy wrote Moving On 1/? | PG-13 | Doctor Who/Highlander | Gen
teachwriteslash wrote Life's Journey A Kind of Magic 2/5 | PG | Torchwood/Highlander | Duncan/Methos Amanda/Nick Jack/Ianto
teachwriteslash wrote Life's Journey: A Kind of Magic 3/5 | PG | Torchwood/Highlander | Duncan/Methos Amanda/Nick Jack/Ianto
sinisterx18 wrote Crossing the Rift: Affairs of Cardiff and the Kawoosh 2/? | PG | Torchwood/Stargate SG1 | Jack/Daniel, O'Neill/Ianto, Teal'c/OC, Owen Harper/Anise
ericadawn16 wrote When All the Stars are Falling | PG | Torchwood/Pirates of the Caribbean | Gen
wereleopard58 wrote We're Having What? 1-5/? | FRAO | Torchwood/Smallville | Ianto/Clark, Tosh/Lex
stargazer_abeo wrote "that's what you get for messing around with the space-time continuum" | NR | Eureka/Doctor Who | Nathan/10
Eustacia Vye wrote Buried Treasure | R | Firefly/Doctor Who | River/Doctor 11

creedcascade wrote Asking For Trouble 5/? | NC-17 | Doom/Star Trek Reboot| Leonard “Bones” McCoy (John “Reaper” Grimm)/James “Jim” T. Kirk, Spock/Uhura, Chekov/Sulu

stargazer_abeo wrote Genius | NR | Eureka/Iron Man | Nathan/Tony Stark
stargazer_abeo wrote "that's what you get for messing around with the space-time continuum" | NR | Eureka/Doctor Who | Nathan/10

Eustacia Vye wrote A Trick of the Light | NC-17 | Firefly/Supernatural | River/Dean
Eustacia Vye wrote Buried Treasure | R | Firefly/Doctor Who | River/Doctor 11
Omorka wrote The Paradox Principle | R | Firefly/Buckaroo Bonzai | Buckaroo Bonzai/Simon
scifiaddict86 wrote Life in the Black 1-5 | NR | Firefly/BSG | Gen

Generation Kill
devilc wrote Don't Ask (Don't Tell) | NC-17 | Generation Kill/T:SCC | Brad Colbert/Savannah Weaver
devilc wrote Don't Tell (Don't Ask) | NC-17 | Generation Kill/T:SCC | Brad Colbert/Savannah Weaver

callmegolightly wrote Strangers by Chance 01/?? | PG-13 | Heroes/Supernatural | Sam Winchester/Claire Bennet

idontlikegravy wrote Moving On 1/? | PG-13 | Highlander/Doctor Who | Gen
ondo_the_linde wrote Life, but Not as We Know it 3/? | PG | Highlander/Star Trek XI | Gen
teachwriteslash wrote Life's Journey A Kind of Magic 2/5 | PG | Highlander/Torchwood | Duncan/Methos Amanda/Nick Jack/Ianto
teachwriteslash wrote Life's Journey: A Kind of Magic 3/5 | PG | Highlander/Torchwood | Duncan/Methos Amanda/Nick Jack/Ianto

Iron Man
stargazer_abeo wrote Genius | NR | Eureka/Iron Man | Nathan/Tony Stark

hunters_retreat wrote If They Really Knew | NR | NCIS/Leverage | Gen

hunters_retreat wrote Good With My Hands | NR | NCIS/Stargate SG1 | Gibbs/O'Neill
hunters_retreat wrote If They Really Knew | NR | NCIS/Leverage | Gen
hunters_retreat wrote Jurisdiction | NR | NCIS/Bones | Tony/Booth
sexycazzy wrote Lost & Found: Interlude Three | PG | CSI:NY/NCIS | Gibbs/Tony

Pan's Labyrinth
punky_96 wrote A Different Time. A Different Princess 2/13 | PG-13 | Pan's Labyrinth/Devil Wears Prada | Andy/Miranda

Pirates of the Caribbean
ericadawn16 Wrote When All the Stars are Falling | PG | Torchwood/Pirates of the Caribbean | Gen

wereleopard58 wrote We're Having What? 1-5/? | FRAO | Torchwood/Smallville | Ianto/Clark, Tosh/Lex

hunters_retreat wrote Good With My Hands | NR | NCIS/Stargate SG1 | Gibbs/O'Neill
sinisterx18 wrote Crossing the Rift: Affairs of Cardiff and the Kawoosh 2/? | PG | Torchwood/Stargate SG1 | Jack/Daniel, O'Neill/Ianto, Teal'c/OC, Owen Harper/Anise

Star Trek
ondo_the_linde wrote Life, but Not as We Know it 3/? | PG | Star Trek XI/Highlander | Gen
creedcascade wrote Asking For Trouble 5/? | NC-17 | Doom/Star Trek Reboot| Leonard “Bones” McCoy (John “Reaper” Grimm)/James “Jim” T. Kirk, Spock/Uhura, Chekov/Sulu

callmegolightly wrote Strangers by Chance 01/?? | PG-13 | Supernatural/Heroes | Sam Winchester/Claire Bennet
nwhepcat wrote Expecting to Fly 5/? | R | Buffy/Supernatural | Dean/Faith
mute90 wrote Want | R | Buffy/Supernatural |Sam/Spike
Eustacia Vye wrote A Trick of the Light | NC-17 | Firefly/Supernatural | River/Dean

Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
devilc wrote Don't Ask (Don't Tell) Brad | NC-17 | T:SSC/Generation Kill | Brad Colbert/Savannah Weaver
devilc wrote Don't Tell (Don't Ask) | NC-17 | T:SSC/Generation Kill | Brad Colbert/Savannah Weaver

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

pirates of the caribbean, buffy, supernatural, iron man, doom (movie), stargate: sg-1, star trek: reboot, battlestar galactica, doctor who, devil wears prada, generation kill, sarah jane adventures, smallville, csi: ny, bones, highlander, leverage, heroes, ncis, terminator (tv), firefly, eureka

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