Volume 005, Issue 088

Mar 30, 2010 05:46

This issue covers March 29 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

Other Announcements
buffyquestions wants to know your favourite multi-chapter Firefly fics
scifibigbang posted Weekly update: Looking for writers including crossovers


Battlestar Galactica
rayruz wrote "Out of the Black, Chapter 6" PG-13, Battlestar Galactica/Firefly
lorrainemarker wrote "The Last Resort, Part 4" M, Battlestar Galactica/Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Beauty & the Beast
citizencandy wrote "Man, that thing just won't stay dead!" PG, Supernatural/Beauty & the Beast: Dean/Castiel

Blind Dating
akaiba wrote "Monster, Chapter 2" PG-13, Heroes/Blind Dating: Sylar/Danny

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
darkwyldchilde wrote "Friend of My Friend, Chapter 14" NC-17, NCIS/Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Abby/Ziva, Faith/Tara
brutti_ma_buoni wrote "Time to Wake Up" PG-13, Firefly/Buffy: River/Dawn
azraelz_angel wrote "Taking Another Approach Master Post" PG-15, NCIS/Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Xander Harris/Tony DiNozzo
improvedpeanut wrote "A Quiet Spot" PG-13, Supernatural/Buffy

justforspite wrote "Chuck + Clark" PG, Chuck/Smallville: Clark/Sarah

Doctor Who
stillxmyxheart wrote "Lonely Road" G, Doctor Who/Supernatural

Final Fantasy VII
sakasama_no_cho wrote "The Jenova Planet, Chapter 5" T, Final Fantasy VII/Stargate SG-1

JayCee's RedGold wrote "Jedi Serenity, Chapter 2" M, Star Wars/Firefly
brutti_ma_buoni wrote "Time to Wake Up" PG-13, Firefly/Buffy: River/Dawn
rayruz wrote "Out of the Black, Chapter 6" PG-13, Battlestar Galactica/Firefly

Harry Potter
supersonicchica wrote "Aníron, Chapter 5" NC-17, Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings

akaiba wrote "Monster, Chapter 2" PG-13, Heroes/Blind Dating: Sylar/Danny

Lord of the Rings
supersonicchica wrote "Aníron, Chapter 5" NC-17, Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings

darkwyldchilde wrote "Friend of My Friend, Chapter 14" NC-17, NCIS/Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Abby/Ziva, Faith/Tara
azraelz_angel wrote "Taking Another Approach Master Post" PG-15, NCIS/Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Xander Harris/Tony DiNozzo

justforspite wrote "Chuck + Clark" PG, Chuck/Smallville: Clark/Sarah

Stargate SG-1
sakasama_no_cho wrote "The Jenova Planet, Chapter 5" T, Final Fantasy VII/Stargate SG-1

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
lorrainemarker wrote "The Last Resort, Part 4" M, Battlestar Galactica/Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Wars
JayCee's RedGold wrote "Jedi Serenity, Chapter 2" M, Star Wars/Firefly

citizencandy wrote "Man, that thing just won't stay dead!" PG, Supernatural/Beauty & the Beast: Dean/Castiel
stillxmyxheart wrote "Lonely Road" G, Doctor Who/Supernatural
improvedpeanut wrote "A Quiet Spot" PG-13, Supernatural/Buffy

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

star trek: ds9, buffy, supernatural, stargate: sg-1, battlestar galactica, doctor who, star wars, smallville, harry potter, chuck, blind dating, heroes, lord of the rings, final fantasy, ncis, firefly, beauty & the beast

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