Volume 005, Issue 067

Mar 09, 2010 05:26

This issue covers March 8 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

laurashapiro made Hurricane Farscape/Battlestar Galactica

rolandcl posted User icons Supernatural/One Tree Hill: Brooke/Dean

Current Challenges
tiptoe39 posted 2nd Official WAFF-a-thon
scifibigbang has Multifandom Sci-Fi/Fantasy Big Bang

Other Announcements
absence_oflight posted Looking for Round Three crossover award nominees


Battlestar Galactica
lls_mutant wrote "Our Very Special Guest Stars" NR, BSG/Pigs In Space
cofax7 wrote "Storm Warning" NR, Farscape/Battlestar Galactica: Kara/Aeryn

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
kerravonsen wrote "Not Your Expected Psychopath" NR, BtVS/Torchwood
kerravonsen wrote "Comparing Notes" NR, BtVS/Highlander
kerravonsen wrote "Swifter, Higher, Stronger" NR, Doctor Who/BtVS
starshinedown wrote "My Eyes are Green" NR, BtVS/Teen Titans
kerrykhat wrote "Off on the Wrong Foot" NR, Star Wars/Buffy

Dark Angel
nevacaruso wrote "Crash Course" PG-13, Dark Angel/Harry Potter

DC Comics
starshinedown wrote "My Eyes are Green" NR, BtVS/Teen Titans

Doctor Who
kerravonsen wrote "Not Your Expected Psychopath" NR, BtVS/Torchwood
kerravonsen wrote "Swifter, Higher, Stronger" NR, Doctor Who/BtVS
sassysailorgirl wrote "Here Be Dragons, Chapter Five" R, Torchwood/Temeraire

cofax7 wrote "Storm Warning" NR, Farscape/Battlestar Galactica: Kara/Aeryn

kerravonsen wrote "Comparing Notes" NR, BtVS/Highlander

Harry Potter
nevacaruso wrote "Crash Course" PG-13, Dark Angel/Harry Potter

Muppet Show
lls_mutant wrote "Our Very Special Guest Stars" NR, BSG/Pigs In Space

Queer as Folk
the_fmly_bzns wrote "You found me, Part 2" PG13, Queer as Folk/Supernatural: Sam Winchester/Justin Taylor

flareonfury wrote "Never Be" PG, Smallville/Supernatural: Chloe/Sam

Star Wars
kerrykhat wrote "Off on the Wrong Foot" NR, Star Wars/Buffy

the_fmly_bzns wrote "You found me, Part 2" PG13, Queer as Folk/Supernatural: Sam Winchester/Justin Taylor
flareonfury wrote "Never Be" PG, Smallville/Supernatural: Chloe/Sam

sassysailorgirl wrote "Here Be Dragons, Chapter Five" R, Torchwood/Temeraire

Terminator (TV)
the_grynne wrote "Subjects and Objects" G, True Blood/Sarah Connor Chronicles

True Blood
the_grynne wrote "Subjects and Objects" G, True Blood/Sarah Connor Chronicles

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

buffy, supernatural, true blood, battlestar galactica, dc comics, doctor who, star wars, farscape, smallville, harry potter, temeraire, dark angel, one tree hill, highlander, terminator (tv), queer as folk, muppet show

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