Volume 004, Issue 332

Dec 26, 2009 11:01

This issue covers Dec 25th in crossover fandom.

We are always looking for new editors to help with the newsletter. If you would like to volunteer, please leave a comment below.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

dream_weavern posted Faith/Dean Icons : Buffy/Supernatural



callistor24 wrote Mourning,NC-17, 24/Heroes, Jack/Peter

jackvelvet wrote Fracture 2/?, PG-13, Batman/Heroes, Various Het & Slash pairings

Blind Dating
Crashdownpixie wrote Unique Torture, PG-13, Heroes/Blind Dating, Silar/Danny

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
hermione2be wrote The Awaited One 7 (Part One) and 7 (Part Two), PG-13, Firefly/Buffy, Jayne/River, Simon/Kaylee
kerrykhat wrote Dance Along the Edge, PG-13, Buffy/Star Wars, Buffy/Obi-Wan

Dark Angel
metamorphagi wrote Of Desire and the Status Quo, R, Dark Angel/Supernatural,
scourgeofeuope wrote The Wellspring 25/?,R, Dark Angel/Supernatural

Doctor Who
leighleighla wrote Rumoured to the Straight and Narrow, PG-13, Doctor Who/Supernatural, Dean/OFC, Doctor/Rose, Pete/Jackie
nemesishamartia wrote Not in Kansas Anymore, G, Doctor Who/Jeeves and Wooser, Bertie/Jeeves

hermione2be wrote The Awaited One 7 (Part One) and 7 (Part Two), PG-13, Firefly/Buffy, Jayne/River, Simon/Kaylee

callistor24 wrote Mourning,NC-17, 24/Heroes, Jack/Peter
jackvelvet wrote Fracture 2/?, PG-13, Batman/Heroes, Various Het & Slash pairings
rosie1234 wrote He’s a Monster, He Ate My Heart, PG-13, Wolverine Origins/Heroes, Wade/Elle
Crashdownpixie wrote Unique Torture, PG-13, Heroes/Blind Dating, Silar/Danny

Jeeves and Wooster
nemesishamartia wrote Not in Kansas Anymore, G, Doctor Who/Jeeves and Wooser, Bertie/Jeeves

Noor1 wrote Needle Through A Bug , Pg-13, Merlin/Repo! Genetic Opera

Repo! Genetic Opera
Noor1 wrote Needle Through A Bug , Pg-13, Merlin/Repo! Genetic Opera

leighleighla wrote Rumoured to the Straight and Narrow, PG-13, Doctor Who/Supernatural, Dean/OFC, Doctor/Rose, Pete/Jackie
metamorphagi wrote Of Desire and the Status Quo, R, Dark Angel/Supernatural,
scourgeofeuope wrote The Wellspring 25/?,R, Dark Angel/Supernatural

Star Wars
kerrykhat wrote Dance Along the Edge, PG-13, Buffy/Star Wars, Buffy/Obi-Wan

Wolverine Origins
rosie1234 wrote He’s a Monster, He Ate My Heart, PG-13, Wolverine Origins/Heroes, Wade/Elle

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

marvel comics, jeeves & wooster, star wars, batman, doctor who, 24, buffy, merlin, dark angel, supernatural, blind dating, heroes, repo: the genetic opera, firefly

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