Volume 004, Issue 321

Dec 14, 2009 23:40

This issue covers December 13th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

kaz_tiel posted Browncoats, Not Rated, Supernatural/Firefly, Sam, Dean, Castiel
flareonfury posted 47 icons/manips, Buffy/Charmed/Roswell/Smallville/Supernatural
revivingophelia posted JJ Jareau and Dean Winchester icons, Criminal Minds/Supernatural


Multiple Crossovers Stories only listed once
equivalency wrote "10 Couples and Not-So-Couples in 15 Words. More or Less." PG-13, Sailormoon, Star Trek XI, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Treasure Planet, The Little Mermaid, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, and Supernatural

little_swirl wrote "Two Bricks Short and a Few Cards Shy", PG-13, Alice/Tin Man

destinyawakened and mjls wrote "Calling a Truce" Part 8: Stowaway", PG-13, Batman/Iron Man, Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne

Battlestar Galactica
rayruz wrote "Scars that Words Have Carved" Part 7/9, NC-17, BSG/Buffy, Lee/Kara, Kara/Faith, Faith/Kat

Black Books
mk_tortie wrote "Bernard A. Black", G, Black Books/Harry Potter

rayruz wrote "Scars that Words Have Carved" Part 7/9, NC-17, BSG/Buffy, Lee/Kara, Kara/Faith, Faith/Kat
xfirefly9x_fic wrote "Still Here Standing", G, Angel/Dollhouse, Spike, Whiskey, Fred/Illyria
kerrykhat wrote "Dance Along the Edge" Part 4/20, PG-13, Buffy/Star Wars, Buffy/Obi-Wan

Dark Angel
vilnolin wrote "Sojourn:Tales of the Winchester Clan", R, Dark Angel/Supernatural, Sam, Dean, Keegan

Doctor Who
hobbit_eyes wrote "Jewel of the Empire", G, Doctor Who/Heroes, Adam Monroe, 10th Doctor

xfirefly9x_fic wrote "Still Here Standing", G, Angel/Dollhouse, Spike, Whiskey, Fred/Illyria

Dr. Horrible
entwashian wrote "Helping Hands", Dr Horrible/Pushing Daisies

lit_gal wrote "Old War Horses" Part 4, Adult, Firefly/Sentinel, Jim/Blair, Mal/Jayne

Harry Potter
auselysium wrote "In Search of What Comes Easy" Part 34, NC-17, Harry Potter/Queer As Folk, Brian/Draco, Harry/Draco
mk_tortie wrote "Bernard A. Black", G, Black Books/Harry Potter
iamaslashaddict wrote "Nobody Said It Would Be Easy", NC-17, Stargate: SG-1/Harry Potter, Jack/Harry

sylargrrrl wrote "Taken In" Part 2/3, R, Heroes/True Blood, Eric Northman/Gabriel Gray, Steve Newlin/Jason Stackhouse
starrdust411 wrote "Primatech 811", R, Heroes/Lost
hobbit_eyes wrote "Jewel of the Empire", G, Doctor Who/Heroes, Adam Monroe, 10th Doctor

aeron_lanart wrote "They Shine so Hard", PG, Torchwood/Highlander, Methos/Jack/Ianto

Iron Man
destinyawakened and mjls wrote "Calling a Truce" Part 8: Stowaway", PG-13, Batman/Iron Man, Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne

luc_darling wrote "Dean's Girl", PG, Leverage/Supernatural, Dean, Sam, Parker, Sophie, Eliot

starrdust411 wrote "Primatech 811", R, Heroes/Lost

Pushing Daisies
entwashian wrote "Helping Hands", Dr Horrible/Pushing Daisies

Queer as Folk
auselysium wrote "In Search of What Comes Easy" Part 34, NC-17, Harry Potter/Queer As Folk, Brian/Draco, Harry/Draco

shadowglove88 wrote "Seducing Chloe Sullivan" Part 6/7, M, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Sam
frog_artjuice wrote "Visiting Smallville" Part 14b/21, Not Rated, Smallville/Supernatural, Sam/Chloe, Clark/Chloe

Star Wars
kerrykhat wrote "Dance Along the Edge" Part 4/20, PG-13, Buffy/Star Wars, Buffy/Obi-Wan

Stargate Atlantis & Stargate SG-1
iamaslashaddict wrote "Nobody Said It Would Be Easy", NC-17, Stargate: SG-1/Harry Potter, Jack/Harry

shadowglove88 wrote "Seducing Chloe Sullivan" Part 6/7, M, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Sam
vilnolin wrote "Sojourn:Tales of the Winchester Clan", R, Dark Angel/Supernatural, Sam, Dean, Keegan
luc_darling wrote "Dean's Girl", PG, Leverage/Supernatural, Dean, Sam, Parker, Sophie, Eliot
frog_artjuice wrote "Visiting Smallville" Part 14b/21, Not Rated, Smallville/Supernatural, Sam/Chloe, Clark/Chloe

Tin Man
little_swirl wrote "Two Bricks Short and a Few Cards Shy", PG-13, Alice/Tin Man

aeron_lanart wrote "They Shine so Hard", PG, Torchwood/Highlander, Methos/Jack/Ianto

True Blood
sylargrrrl wrote "Taken In" Part 2/3, R, Heroes/True Blood, Eric Northman/Gabriel Gray, Steve Newlin/Jason Stackhouse

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

buffy, yu yu hakusho, melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, true blood, torchwood, battlestar galactica, tin man, doctor who, the sentinel, roswell, black books, dollhouse, dark angel, highlander, little mermaid, dr. horrible’s sing along blog, queer as folk, firefly, alice, batman (movies), supernatural, iron man, criminal minds, lost, stargate: sg-1, star trek: reboot, pushing daisies, star wars, harry potter, smallville, leverage, heroes, charmed, avatar: the last airbender

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