This issue covers November 8th in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!
Multiple Crossovers Stories only listed once
shadowglove88 wrote
"When Tara Met Jason" Part 3/4, T, Smallville/Supernatural/Friday the 13th reboot
strangevisitor7 wrote
"That Went Well- The Great Spawn Crossover AU", R, Highlander/Smallville/Supernatural
destinyawakened wrote
"Calling a Truce" Part 2, PG-13, Batman/Iron Man, Bruce, Tony, Pepper, Selina
Battlestar Galactica
semerket wrote
"A Tale of Two Sixes", PG-13, Battlestar Galactica/Star Trek: Voyager, Seven of Nine/Six
The Big Bang Theory
rosie1234 wrote
"Wonder Woman In My Living Room", PG-13, The Big Bang Theory/Heroes, Lenard/Elle/Sheldon
Final Fantasy
kitty_alex wrote
"Final Fantasy: the Winchester Chronicles", PG-13, Final Fantasy/Supernatural
starrdust411 wrote
"Primatech 815" Part 5, R, Heroes/Lost
amles80 wrote
"Flying Man" Part 1/2, G, Heroes/X-Files, Scully, Mulder, Hiro, Angela Petrelli
rosie1234 wrote
"Wonder Woman In My Living Room", PG-13, The Big Bang Theory/Heroes, Lenard/Elle/Sheldon
morning_sunlite wrote
"Mary Poppins Rocks!", PG, Leverage/Supernatural, Dean, Eliot
starrdust411 wrote
"Primatech 815" Part 5, R, Heroes/Lost
janie_tangerine wrote
"How Castiel Got Lost in LOST", PG-13, Lost/Supernatural
Paradise Lost
tigriswolf wrote
"Account Me Sam", PG, Paradise Lost/Supernatural, Michael/Lucifer, Sam/Dean
ebonyfeather wrote
"Trading Places" NC-17, Primeval/Torchwood
lust_4sorrow wrote
"The Humans Cried War" Part 2, R, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean
shadowglove88 wrote
"Imprinted" Part 5,T, Smallville/Twilight, Chloe/Jacob
frog_artjuice wrote
"Visting Smallville" Part 9a/21, Not Rated, Smallville/Supernatural, Sam/Chloe, Clark/Chloe
Star Trek (All Series)
semerket wrote
"A Tale of Two Sixes", PG-13, Battlestar Galactica/Star Trek: Voyager, Seven of Nine/Six
janie_tangerine wrote
"How Castiel Got Lost in LOST", PG-13, Lost/Supernatural
kitty_alex wrote
"Final Fantasy: the Winchester Chronicles", PG-13, Final Fantasy/Supernatural
morning_sunlite wrote
"Mary Poppins Rocks!", PG, Leverage/Supernatural, Dean, Eliot
lust_4sorrow wrote
"The Humans Cried War" Part 2, R, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean
frog_artjuice wrote
"Visting Smallville" Part 9a/21, Not Rated, Smallville/Supernatural, Sam/Chloe, Clark/Chloe
tigriswolf wrote
"Account Me Sam", PG, Paradise Lost/Supernatural, Michael/Lucifer, Sam/Dean
ebonyfeather wrote
"Trading Places" NC-17, Primeval/Torchwood
shadowglove88 wrote
"Imprinted" Part 5,T, Smallville/Twilight, Chloe/Jacob
amles80 wrote
"Flying Man" Part 1/2, G, Heroes/X-Files, Scully, Mulder, Hiro, Angela Petrelli
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
~Your editor,