I have officially closed the poll. thanks to everyone who voted. The result is that:
dhfreak and I rock and you love the news letter. *hee* Thanks for feeding our ego. it helps keep us motivated!
But seriously, after much deliberation, we have decided to stop listing the Dr Who/Torchwood stories as crossovers. We realize that many of you are interested in these stories. But to be fair if we continue to list those then we would have to list the Buffy/Angel and SGA/SG-1 stories too. Even the newsletters from those fandoms do not list those stories as crossovers. We have decided that DW/TW fit the same criteria.
For those of you who are interested in DW/TW, I recommend subscribing to
Torchwood_three or
who_daily Those communities track DW/TW stories.
Again, thank you all for your feedback.I know some of you will be upset and I am truly sorry that we can not please everyone. I hope you will continue to read the newsletter and offer suggestions